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The kingdomes vveekly intelligencer, Number 303, 13th-20th March 1649 E.548[5]

The house spent some time to consider of elections of Members, to be more
equally laid over the Nation, and not to be ingrossed in a few Corporations and
Counties unequally. But the further debate hereupon was put off till Friday
Munday March 19.
THis day Captain Bray did present some papers to the House of Commons, against
the Lord Generall &c. And using many expressions tending to the division
of the army. The house had a debate thereon, and it was Ordered that the
said Captain Bray should be committed prisoner to Windsor castle.
The act for abolishing the Kingly Office was this day extant, In which all the
people are discharged from paying any homage, fealty, or alleagiance to Charles
Stewart eldest Son to the late King, or to James Duke of Yorks, or to any of the
Kings issue: The word and title of King and Queen is to be of no more use or
power in this Land: The Nation being no more to be governed by one single
person, but by their Representatives to whom the people are to give obedience
as to the supreame authority: The Commons doe also in this act declare, That
as soon as they have provided for the safety of the people by whom they are in
trusted, they will put a period to this Parliament, and take care for the due elections
of the future Representatives.
The Earle of Lamerick with some other of the Scots Nobility, is
very importunate that the Prince should remove to Scotland; He urgeth that
his presence will there reconcile all differences, and unite their Forces, which
would make them safe amongst themselves, and not to be despised by their neighbours.
It seems the Prince is more inclined to Scotland and the Covenant, then to
those of the Prelatick Number, which hath occasioned many intestine quarrels
amongst them, and may be a means to ruine all their Hopes. What course the
Prince will steere Time will suddenly declare.
Letters from Sea make mention that the Princes Fleet doth much increase,
which to the great prejudice of the Merchants take many prizes on the English
Coasts daily, and miserably are infested by them. A ship or two are come up with
Coales from Newcastle, and bring word that many more are following.
The Countesse of carlile, Sister to the Earle of Northumberland is under restraint,
It being suspected that she may discover something to the State of great
There is but little News this week from Scotland, Mr. Roe the Scout-master
Generall is come from thence, who brings word that they do expect the Prince
to come to Edinborough. There is a Report and a feare in Scotland, that they shal
be themselves invaded, which hath made David Lashley uncertain what to determine
on. The Anti-Covenanters in the North of that Kingdome do increase in
Number, but doe not continue in the field, the Kingdome especially in those
parts being to stirrile and destitute of all manner of provisions, that an Army can
not subsist in the field, There being little or nothing for the Horse: The Report
of the landing of the Danes in that Kingdome doth still continue but none as yet
come. There is nothing this week from Ireland. Pontefract is not yet Surrendred, The
Scots are all reconciled. That which this week is most remarkable, is
The Act extant for the abolishing of the Kingly office. Charles Prince of Wales, and
James Duke of York to be banished, and their States confiscate. A Petition presented
by captain Bray against the Lord Generall, &c. The Petitioner ordered to be sent prisoner
to Windsor. The Prince of Wales removing from Holland, and expected in Scotland.
The last News from that Kingdome The Scots reconciled.
Imprimatur G. M.
Printed for H: B. 1648.

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