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The kingdomes vveekly intelligencer, Number 312, 15th-22nd May 1649 E.556[6]

of them, or any amongst them all shall submit and returne, he will be
ready and willing to pardon, but if they shall persist in their obstinacy he
shall indeavour by force to reduce them, and therein put himself and the
businesse upon God, This prevailing but little, The Lord Generall from
words made his recourse to armes and surprized them at Burford; The
first Horse which entred the Towne were those under Collonel Reynolds,
the Dragoons under Collonel Okey, and Major Shelborn with Bucking-hamshire
horse: the Generall brought up a party as a Reserve, and Collonel
Scroop, the Rear;Captain Fisher was sent with a troop of horse on
the other side of the town, where he offered two charge two troops of
the enemy, which were then in a posture to charge him, with their swords
drawn, and pistols cockt: upon this advance, offering them quarter if
they would submit to mercy, they all submitted, but one, who discharged
his pistoll, but did no hurt Collonel Ayres was escaping away, but
was taken and brought into the Generall, there are between three hundred
or foure hundred prisoners in the Church (the rest escaped in the
dark) many of them are very resolute, and say as the Cavaliers were wont
to doe, the day is yours now, and may be ours hereafter: there were but two
men slain in this busines, one of theirs, and another of ours: last night
Cornet Denn, and Cornet Thompson (brother to Thompson the Great)
were try'd by a Councell of War, and condernn'd to be shot to death:
Denn hath bought himself a winding sheet, and is so sensible of his errour,
that he desires not to live, and is drawing up a Declaration to be published
to the world; setting forth the wickednes of the designe, and by
what means it was contrived. His Excellency hath issued forth warrants
to the Justices of peace of the severall Counties adjacent, requiring
them to their endeavours to apprehend and secure such of these mutiniers
as shall be found: the Generall a little before this hapned, sent a
Letter to the Agitators, to induce them not to stand out, to which they
returned a bold and peremptory answer, His Lordship intends this night
to lie at Oxford.
This being certified to the House of Commons, Captain Bridger who
brought the news had a gratuity of one hundred and fifty pound conferred
on him.
Wednesday May 16.
THe putting a period to this present Parliament was taken into consideration,
And it was ordered that a Committee should be nominated
for setling the successions of future Parliaments, and regulating their
elections & to present unto the House the heads of the Debates concerning
it: It was resolved upon the Question that in order to the declaring a
certaine time for putting a period to the sitting of this present Parliament,
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