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The kingdomes vveekly intelligencer, Number 318, 26th June-3rd July 1649 E.562[23]

Numb. 318.
Weekly Intelligencer,
To prevent mis-information.
From Tuesday, June 26 to Tuesday July the 3. 1649.
A Great Part of the Army will this moneth be marching Northwest
faith Mr. Lilly,and this we find true by Lieutenant Generall Cromwells
preparations for Ireland which cryes aloud unto him as much for
expedition as Reliefe.
Tuesday June 26.
A Petition was presented from Sir Paul Pindar,and the old Commissioners
of the Custome-House presenting, that if the Parliament
will secure them the three hundred thousand pounds which
heretofore they lent unto the late King, they then will presently advance
one hundred thousand pounds for the necessity of the Parliament. But this
motion being found to be very prejuditiall to the State was ordered
to be layd aside. The Act for the selling of the Kings goods was this day
taken into consideration.
Letters from Sea did this day give Intelligence, that Captain Peacock
had rescued two shipps laden with Corne, and brought them safe into
Harbour; It was certified also that he had taken one of the Princes Men
of warre, with eleven Guns in her, and some store of Ammunition. It
was certified also, that Major Guellen had taken a Shallop belonging to
Sir John Gremwell, in which were two Brasse Guns, and brought her safe
to Cardiffe. Captain Young in his own person gave an Account to the
Councell of State, that at Helverslace-in Holland, he had blown-up the
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