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The kingdomes vveekly intelligencer, Number 318, 26th June-3rd July 1649 E.562[23]

and exercises of the said Religion,since the 21. year of Henry the S. to
be reclaimed and perpetually to be taken off. And to extend to that party
and their successors for ever. 2.That the said Generall Owen Oneal
desires that an Act of Oblivion be passed to extend to all and every of
his party,for all things done since the beginning of the year 1641. 3. They
desire that Generall Owen Oneal be provided for a competent command
in the army befitting his place, worth or quality. 4.They desire that all
Lands taken illegally from the said party, and every of them, and their
Ancestors, since the first Jacobi, be restored to them againe. 5. That the
said party be made capable and intrusted in all Command, Martiall and
Civill, by Sea or Land. 6. That all incapacity inability and distrust hitherto
by Act of State,or other ways against the said party, be taken off.
7. That on both sides 'all jealousies, hate and a version be laid aside, unity,
love and amity be renewed and proclaimed between both parties.
8.That Generall Owen Oneal be restored, and put in possession of his
Ancestors Estates, untill it be tried whether the said Estates was illegally
taken from them or not. 9.That that party be provided and possessed
with a convenient Sea Port in the Province of Ulster. 10. That the
army belonging to Generall Oneal and his party, be provided for in all
points as the rest of the army shall be.
Owen Oneal.
Collonel Monk his Propositions to Generall Owen Oneale are.
Imprimis, That such as shall joyne with Generall Owen Oneale in
the service of the Parliament of England in this Kingdome, may have
liberty of Conscience for themselves and their issues. 2. The said Generall
Oneal desireth an Act of Oblivion to be passed, and extend to all
and every of his party, for all things done since the yeare 1641. 3. That
they desire Generall Owen Oneal be provided for a competent command
in the army, befitting his place, worth and dignity. They desire that they
may enjoy all those Lands that were in their possession at the beginning
of the Wars,for themselves and others, during their fidelity to the interest
of England. That all incapacity, inability and distrust hitherto by
Act of State, or other ways against the said party, be taken off. 6. That
on both sides all jealousies or aspersions be laid aside, unity, love and amity
be renewed and practised between both parties. 7.That Generall
Oneal may be restored and put in possession of his Ancestors estates, or
some other estate equivalent to it in regard of his merit, and the good
service that he shall performe in the Parliament of Englands service in
the preservation of their interest in this Kingdom. 8. That the Army belonging
to Generall Oneal, and his party, be provided for in all points,
as the rest of the army shall be. 9.That the said party be provided with,
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