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The kingdomes vveekly intelligencer, Number 318, 26th June-3rd July 1649 E.562[23]

that may relieve the Enemy; We must expect no more provisions
out of the Countrey for ourselves,for the Enemy is now possessed
of what should relieve us; we must expect that they will destroy all
the corne in our quarters, and will be able to preserve and gain all
that is in their own, and will eat up all the grasse in our quarters,
and preserve their owne, then you may consider what will become
of our Horse the next winter: they are in a prosperous condition
at present, and like to doe what they please, if aid come not suddenly,
and money to pay them, and those that are already here, and
more provisions for them all; for Wheat is here at five pound ten
shillings, Rie at 4 l. ten shillings the quarter, little to sell, and little
money to buy it: Our men of war are come from Bewmorris, and
divers ships from Chester, Cheese it selfe at 9 d. the pound, will undoe
us, and which is far more dangerous, men wil not ingage where
there is no means to relieve themselvs, their wives and children, but
will seek to go where the best means is to be had: your Diurnals are
not true,in that there should be discord amongst our Enemies: my
Lord of Inchiquins forces are now joyned with the Irish as one
man and no such things as the coming away of any more of my L.
Inchiquins horse to us; and the first seven that came, as was reported
amongst us; but are all set on mischief to destroy us.
Ormond is now marched up within a mile of Dublin, Col. Monk
and Col: Coot are gone towards Droheda to secure those quarters.
A partie of Col: Jones skirmished with a partie of Ormonds within
a mile of Dublin, and took one Ma:Dongan Prisoner. Proclamation
is made,that all the Papists shall depart the Citie of Dublin.
Thursday June 28.
IT was ordered that the respective dayes limited in the late orders concerning
the Compositions with Delinquents,as well for the continuance
of the Rents in Tenants hands as otherwise shall be prolonged untill
the first of August, and no longer.
Adjutant Generall Sadleir according to his orders, did this day repayre
towards Chester, to transport two Regiments of Foot, and one of
Horse for the service of Ireland.
Friday June 29.
MOneys not comming in according to the expection of the House
upon the Bill of foure hundred thousand pounds; It was ordered
that for the better expedition of the Forces for Ireland an Act should be
brought in for the borrowing of a great and very considerable summe
for the better carrying on of that Service.
The Committee for the Revenue being ordered to pay no more stipends
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