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The kingdomes vveekly intelligencer, Number 318, 26th June-3rd July 1649 E.562[23]

or Pensions without the speciall order of the House; It was this day
Resolved upon and explained, that it should not extend to the Judges of
the Admiralty to hinder them their Salaryes.
Baron Gates desiring to be excused from riding the Circuit, by reason
of the weaknesse of his body, Mr. Serjeant Green was ordered to ride the
Circuit in his place.
The Commissioners of the great Seale of England were authorized to
graunt Commissions of Sewers to the City of Westminster and other places,
in as full power as any Lord Keeper had ever done in the like case.
An Act was brought in for repealing the Statutes made in Queen Elizabeths
Reigne against pretended Sectaries, which was referred to a
Committee to consider further of it, and with speed to report the same.
Saturday June 30.
THe Report being made of the Sale of the Houses, Parks, Forrests and
Chases belonging to the late King, the Queen and Prince, it was voted
that St. James Court and Parke, that the Park at Theobalds, that the
little Park and Castle of Windsor, and that Greenwich House Parke, and
Castle should not be sold, but be preserved for the service of the State. It
was also referred to the Councell of State to consider of what Houses,
Castles, and other buildings should be kept for the Service of the publick,
and with speed to make their report; The new Parke in the County of
Surrey was freely given to the City of London, to be setled on them and
their Successors for their great affection to the House and Army upon the
Last invitation of them.
The place of Master of Saint Crosses Hospitall was this day conferred
on Master Sollicitor Cook for his good services in managing the charge
against the late King. The Minister thereof is to be allowed one hundred
pounds a yeer to be payed out of the said Revenues of the Hospitall, and
the poore Brethren who were formerly allowed but foure nobles, are to
be allowed five pounds a yeer to be payed out of the said Revenues, And
in the vacancy of any place, Master Cook is to preferre maymed Souldiers
thereunto, if it shall stand with the intention of the Founder.
Upon Report of the Committee concerning absent Members, It was
voted that Sir Henry Hayman should be admitted again into the House
and sit therein a Member as heretofore.
Munday, July. 2.
THe Act for a generall pardon was this day taken into consideration, Debate
was had how farre and to whom it shall extend, and it was referred to a Committee
to consider further of the latitude and the extent thereof: it was referred
to another Committee to consider of the arrears due unto the Earle of Denbugh
and Collonel Martin, and some way to be found out for the speedy payment of
them: The businesse concerning the Arrears due unto Sir William Dike was this
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