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The kingdomes vveekly intelligencer, Number 329, 11th-18th September 1649 E.573[26]

Numb. 329.
Weekly Intelligencer,
To prevent mis-information.
From Tuesday September 11 to Tuesday eptemb. The 18. 1649.
Tuesday September 11.
THe Levellers so called who were the hope and seare of the
two parties in this divided Nation being now, almost as miraculously
as happily reduced to their obedience, It is
worth your observation to consider how soon the body faints,
when the head is once surprized. How, to what great end from
small beginnings, Enterprizes carried on with courage doe advance
themselves. How successe falls with their Resolutions in uncertain
and unquiet spirits. The Parliament may learn, who and
how many they are that love them; The displeased party may find
what they have to trust to for after this second check it is in modesty
believed, that they will never in this cause assume the heart, as
to appear in arms again.
These indeed are but obvious observations which of themselves
do fall into the most vulgar mind but that which most possesseth
me is the course of the divine providence which di poseth the hands
and the hearts of men into an active or passive obedience according
to the Counsells of his own will. When Lieutenant Generall malsey
was ordered by the Parliament for the reliefe of Ireland, no
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