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The kingdomes vveekly intelligencer, Number 329, 11th-18th September 1649 E.573[26]

are to prepare a Declaration to undeceive the people concerning
this businesse. Major Generall Lambert, Collonel Okey, and Collonel
Pride are to try the Mutiniers at Oxford by a Court Martiall.
It was this day ordered that the Imposition of four shillings upon
each Chaldron of Coles formerly taken at Newcastle should be uken
off and heneceforth be payed no more.
Letters from Chester did this day advertise further, that
Prince Ruperts Fleet are in a sad condition for want of provision.
Collonel More is sent over for the raising a Regiment of men to be
transported into Ireland with all speed: A troope of Horse is to be
raised for Collonel Reynolds in Lancashire, and some horses are
ready to be transported at the Waters side in Cheshire which Country
hatch sent over such abundance of cheese into Ireland that for the
present they have hardly wherewith to supply their own necessities.
Wednesday September 12.
IT was ordered that an Addition should be made to Collonel Oreys
Regiment of Dragoons to compleat them into a thousand,
and that they shall be added to the establishment to serve for England,
or for Ireland, as the Councel of State shall think expendienc.
Instructions were Passed to certisle the Accounts of Collonel Rossiters
Regiment to the Committee of Worcester house, who are to
state them. Instructions were passed for the perfecting the Accounts
of Mr.William Hawkins for his Treasureship for Ireland.
It was this day advertised that the Duke of york visited the King
and Queen of France at Paris and the next day revisited by the
King and the Cardianll Mazarini. He befeechied the King to have
compassion on the King his Brother and to grant him all possible
assistance for the regaining his estate, and Kingdomes to which the
Cardinall made answer, That the might assure himself and so might
the King his Brother that as soon as he were in a capacities to serve
him, he would spare neither purse nor power, and in the mean time
desired the Duke to accept a small present of ten thousand Crowns.
Thursday September 14.
SEverall Complaints being made of divers robberies daily and
nightly committed on the Highwayes; It was ordered, That
the Lord Generall shall give especiall order to the Officers of Horse,
that they may be serviceable to secure the high-wayes from scheeves,
who being apprehended, are to be brought with what shall be taken with
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