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The kingdomes vveekly intelligencer, Number 329, 11th-18th September 1649 E.573[26]

with them before some Justice or Peace, and the Robbers to bee
proceeded against according unto Laws.
It was this day confirmed by Letters, that prince Charles and
the Duke of York (attended with the Lord Hopton, and some three
hundred more)were landed in the Isle of Jersie being transported
in States Men Of Warre. It was also confirmed, that the thousand
Souldiers sent by the Lord Lieutenant to the North of Ireland.
were safely landed at London-Derry, which will put Sir Charles
Coore, and those with him, into an absolure field ostuce and vex
the Marquis of Ormond on his Rear as the Lord Liemerant will
lose no opportunity tooppose him in the Front; This being performed
with unired Forces, they will fall into Munster which (it is
said)if the weather be savourable, they will be able to carry before
the middle of November.
Friday September 15.
SIR Kenelme Digbyes Petition for a longer stay in Englnad was
this day tendred to the House but it being put to the Question,
Whether it should be read or no, It was carried in the Negative.
upon the report of Mr.Speaker himself concerning what Aulience
the Provinciall States of Holland had given to Mr. Walter
Strikland, It was [unr] that a Letter of reciprocall respects should be sent
unto them,which accordingly was drawn up and signed by Mr.Speaker. It was
ordered that a Ship lately taken by the English from the Hollanders, (although
adjudged lawfull prize, should be restored, And Judges of the Admiralty
were ordered to take notice of it.
The Petition of the Countesse of Castle haven was rofemed so a committee.
The Dammages of the Countesse of kent being the day reported for the demolisning
of Gotheidige; It was ordered, That the should be payed one thousand
pounds in recompence there of out of the Revenues of the late King.
It was ordered, That Sommer for House in the Strand shall be the Head-quarters
for the Army.
Saturday September 16.
THe parliament having adjourn'd until Tuesday; The Councell of State passed
some orders for the satisfying the Lord Lieutenant of Iretand, with Horses,
saddles, Pistols, and two Carriages more which are Ito be allowed to every
Regiment. By orders from his Excellence. The Regiments in England are so to
be quartered in severall Countries, as may most conduce unto the lasfey of the
Monday September 17.
THe Letters this day from Ireland doe advertised that the Lord Lieutenant hath
Summoned the Town of Tredagh, to which sir Arthur Alhson renrned Answer
That he had received the Charge of the Town too lastely into his tust to surender
it so soon upon a bare Summons onely: And he must give another
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