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The kingdomes vveekly intelligencer, Number 330, 18th-25th September 1649 E.574[23]

long after communicated to the Officers of the Army, and to those
whom be thought fit to reinvest into the actuall possession of their
Estates in the North of Ireland &c. The Instructions follow in
these words.
1. THat so far as your power extends, you cause every person
without distinction, who have submitted to his Majesties Authority,
and to the Peace of this Kingdom, to be put into the actual
possession of his Estate he paying, and contributing to the maintenance
of the army, and necessary burthens of the Country, proportionably
to the rest of his Neighbours.
2. That you cause the Articles of Warre, to be put in execution
against all the forces under your Command; whereof we send you
down here with all a Copy.
3. Whereas it is well known to belong to us (as General of the
army in this Kingdom under his Majesty) to dispose of all military
Offices and Commands, whether in chief or subordinate, which
right we cannot in honour suffer to be lost from the sword, and
whereas some Commissions lately have been procured, giving
power to other Commanders, to name and to place all sorts of
military Officers under their respective Commands, in which
Commissions, nevertheless, and much more in the Instructions;
there is an express reference to us, and to our approbation, from
which they are to receive their validity; we do therefore order and
declare our pleasure thereby, that no Commander whatsoever, within
the Province of Ulster , do assume to themselves, the nomination
of military Officers as Collonels, Leiut. Col. Majors, Captains,
Lieut. Cornets, or Ensignes upon pretence of any late Commission,
but leave them to our discretion, as in this Kingdom hath ever
been accustomed.
4 If any person shall speak or act to the prejudice of his Majesties
Authority or affaires, let him upon proofe be forthwith imprisoned,
and his Estate secured, and an information sent up to us of
the nature of his crime, that we may give further Order therein
And if any Ecclesiastical person in his Prayer or Sermon shall presume
to excite the people to sedition or disobedience, or shall intermeddle
in Pulpit or consistory with the managery of civill
affaires,or shall derogate from the present Government, or Governours
of this Kingdom, or shall teach that his Majesty is not to
be admitted to the possession of his Crown, untill he hath given
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