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The kingdomes vveekly intelligencer, Number 330, 18th-25th September 1649 E.574[23]

were found guilty at a Court Martiall and sentenced to be shot to
death, some others who were not so high in the offence were censured
to run the Gantlope, divers others were cashiered amongst
whom were Captain Shrimpton, Ensigne Scot, and some others
Piggen, and Bigs according to their sentence were shot to Death,
they Petitioned their Collonel to mediate to the Court Martiall for
them, but their Petition was rejected. Master Heyden pleaded, that
when Collonel Ingoleby desired those that would come in unto him
to expresse their obedience by holding up their hands. That he held
up his hand with the rest upon which consideration and on premise
O' exact obedience for the future he was reprieved by the Court
Martiall, and is since pardoned by the Lord Generall. It is said
that thirty or fourty have run away in a Company for feare of being
questioned. They all cry out against Serjeant Radman as the
chiefe stickler and perswader to this Ingagement. One Jones is to
be tryed next who confeffeth that it was he that carryed the peoples
out cry to the Presse.
Thursday September 20.
SEverall Propositions being made to the Parliament concerning
some dispensation of the act for the importation of French
Wines. The Parliament have declared. That they will not admit
any dispensation of the said act, but that it shall be duely observed
and effectually put in Execution.
The Commons (the Committee for that purpose appointed having
reported the businesse between the Miners in Derbyshire and
the Earle of Rutland) did this day declare: That the said Miners
have received no prejudice by any order of the House of Commons
as they pretended.
The House having often and much endeavoured the suppressing of
all scandalous and unlicenced Pamphlets, and for that end past severall
Ordinances, laying penalties upon all offenders, both Printer
Stationer and Hawker, &c. But finding the same ineffectuall,
and a better way then any of the former being propounded to them
they ordered that it should be referred to a committee to draw up
an act according to the said Proposition: The Committee having
spent much time in composing thereof, Reported the same this day
to the house; it took up much time in reading, and debating, and
at last it was put to the Question and ordered to be printed. It suppresses
all Hawkers, and sets a Fine on all such as shall buy unlicenced
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