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The kingdomes vveekly intelligencer, Number 330, 18th-25th September 1649 E.574[23]

Books as well as such as sell them; and likewise on every
Constable that shall not apprehend Hawkers that carry any
Pamphlets abroad.
All affaires concerning the army are to be licenced by a member
thereof, such as shall be named: The proceedings of the house to
be licensed by the Clerk thereof, or such as he shall appoint; And
all the State affaires to be licenced by such as shall be nominated by
the Councell of State, It likewise settles the businesse of Printing.
and enables the Masters and Wardens of the Company of Stationers
with large power to breake down, and take away the Presses
of malignant or unlicensed Pamphlets. This Act to be in force till
Septemb. 29. 1651.
A Letter (as is said from London-Derry) as well to in courage as
reprove the Souldiery doth follow in these words.
It is our happinesse, and wee have the honour of the English
Nation, that it should be put into the heart of the Lord Lieutenant
to undertake this great work of reducing Ireland, when
he by Gods assistance had attained sufficient honour by his Heroick
achievements in England; the Souldiers that have so freely adventured
their lives in this service, are also to be had in lasting memory;
and they that will not upon a just cause put themselves forward
in this employment, but delight in rest and idlenesse and think
they cannot stretch themselves in the Sun, unlesse it be in the Teritories
in which he was born, proving carelesse of action. without
desire of publique good, are not worthy the name of Souldiers or
true English-men; the very name whereof is very terrible to our
enemies, both in this and other Territories.
The Commission for the triall of Lieutenant Collonel John Lilburne,
Mr. Walwyn, Mr. Prince, and Mr. Overton was this day
Friday September 21.
THe Act for taking into consideration the Accompts of the Common-wealth
did hold a Debate in the House of Commons the
greatest part of this day; In the end it was assented too, and ordered
to be ingrossed, and with all to be read the third time on Tuesday
morning next.
It was referred to a Committee to consider of some Accomodation
for the Earle of Denbigh, answerable to his quality, in the
satisfaction of the Right which he had lately in the Wardrobe.
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