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The kingdomes vveekly intelligencer, Number 330, 18th-25th September 1649 E.574[23]

The Serjeant of Armes having at severall times received severall
moneys upon forfeitures of severall Members which came not
to the house by a certain houre; It was ordered that he should dispose
of the said moneys to such poore Widowes and Souldiers
Wives that he conceived to have the greatest Necessity, and did
best deserve it.
Many businesses being ordered for severall dayes the House adjourned
till Tuesday.
Monday September 23.
IT was in the first place advertised that divers more of those called
Levellers have bin taken lately who will all suddainly be tried by
the Court Martiall, and suffer according to the degrees of their offences.
I have little this weeke from Scotland. To speake the truth you
will find their Counsailes carryed in a close way. They were alwayes
retired unto themselves, and their Counsailes not knowne
untill they appeared in Execution: I will make no mention of their
Letter to their Declared King, I am still of opinion that they will
see him before they heare from him: He departed from Paris on
the seventeenth of this month, where he now is, it is not certainly
known, but if the curious please to overtake him, they may peradventure
find him at Picardy at the House of the Duke of Vandosme.
Many Letters have this day bin received from Chester, but none
that give any certainty of the taking of Tredagh, which when I
heare off, I shall be carefull to give unto you. In the meane time
the businesse and discourse is here carried on with great controversy.
The well affected to the Parliament doe generally believe
that it is taken.
That which this week is most remarkable, is most remarkably
The uncertain Report of the taking of Tredagh; The uncertain Report
of the present Residence of Prince CHARLES. The uncertainty
of what is determined by the Committee of Estate in Scotland. The uncertainty
for the present of what is performed either in the Field or
Garrison in Ireland. And the great uncertaintie to whom these honest
and here to fore authorized Papers shall now addresse themselves for
Imprimatur T. J.
Printed for H. B. 1649.

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