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The man in the moon, Number 15, 25th July-2nd August 1649 E.566[28]

(Numb. 15.)
The Man in the Moon,
Discovering a World of
Under the
Both in the Parliament, the Counsell of State, the Army, the City
and the COUNTRY.
With Intelligence from all Parts of England, Scotland,
Die June, From July, 25. to Wednesday, August, 2. 1649.
Above, above; now Ireland's loft,
Scotland crys Welladay;
The Juncto ne're before so Crest,
dispair to Fast and Pray.
Noll Cromwel now may bang himself,
his Nose can give no light;
His Souldiers still cry out for Pelf,
and swear,Tb' Devil shall fight.
King Charles finds Friends, and Money store,
His Cause is right and just;
Fairfax and Noll shall bang therefore,
'Cause they betray'd their Trust.
Up, English, up, the times at hand,
JOVES vengeance now is nigh,
And fights 'gainst those Roin'd this Land,
and caus'd your misery.
APox of all ill luck, what shall we do now? when we
thought all was our own; we are like to loose all, besides
what we have got these Eight yeers; Were ever Saints thus
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