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The man in the moon, Number 15, 25th July-2nd August 1649 E.566[28]

but as a reward, and payment for their Treason: Was ever the
like Impiety committed before in England, that treacherous
knaves should be bought to betray their Countrey; and such
throughly principl'd Villains, that rakehell, and skim the devil,
you will hardly find their Like. Yet
Like to like, quoth Martin to Weaver,
If once we get a where, we never can leave her.
Like to like, quoth Bradshaw to Cook,
That know more Law then ever come in Book.
Like to like, quoth Fairfax to the Fool;
That to such knaves, must needs go to Schoole.
Like to like, quoth Steel to Wilde, (Child
That washt mine own shirt, when I got a wench with
Like to like, quoth Mildmay to Scott,
Only I love the Gravel-pitt, thou lov'st the Pett.
The Juncto like the City, the City find them Coyne,
The Members like their wives; and they find them wine.
The Country like not taxes, cause they do make 'um poor,
The Committes like their Money; and with it feast & where.
Wednesday, July 25. The Juncto had a Debate concerning
an Adjournment: to hell I hope; for England is as weary of
them as ever Egypt was of her Plagues, and would as willingly
be rid of them; and though her Children have passed through
the Red Sea, yet now they have some hope of being sretd from
their slavery; since the waves have clos'd their watery jawes
upon Pharaoh Ireton and his Host, and Dublin uigh taken; which
maks the Juncto how I like an Evening Wolf for very grief; since
those great Overtures so much boasted on, concerning the Surrender
of the Isle of Man, should prove so un-successful and unfortunate;
and therefore they fell into a deep Debate amongst
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