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The man in the moon, Number 15, 25th July-2nd August 1649 E.566[28]

professions; this business was referred to the Committees that
are to rob for 10000 pound, under pretence for Ireland,when
Nose tacks about; Must the Father loose his life, and the Children
be turn'd a begging? Is this the Charity of the little filack? Would
you that your heavenly father should deal so with you? away ye Pharasaical
Hypoerites, ye pretenders to Sanctity, yet intenders to ruine
and destruction; ye painted Sepulchers, without side Gold, within
side stench and [unr]: ye Devils in the shapes of men,
whose Charming is but to deceive; whose Mercy is the worst of
Cruelty; whose charity is hardnesse of heart; whose Tongue is a
Two-edged sword. How long shall the Fatherlesse, the Oppressed,
and Widdow, and Prisoners cry, How long, O Lord, holy and
just, &c.
The Devil's turn'd Munk! A Committee chosen to Consider
of Religion! Pray where is it? Ask our new Keepers; they cannot
tell, they meddle not with her, they are not acquainted with
her; Truth, Religion, and 'Ioey, be of two several prosessions; the
one seeketh not her own; the other covers and rebs all they can from
others: But the Articles of Religion are to be Published in Churches;
Is not Pauls a Church? Yes; and a Cathedral Church:
Publish them there first, to your Horses, which I dare boldly
say, have as much sense of Religion as your selves, if not more;
For, they know their Masters Cribb: Ye juggling hypocrites, Do
you that have tollerated Blasphemies and Heresies; nay fed them,
and married them to your Souls,now seek to stop them? Who
can trust you? Who can believe you in what ere you say or do?
When you seem to have a Form of Godlinesse, and yet deny the power
thereof; in acting such abhorred, unnatural, ungodly Acts,
would make a Devil blush, or Judas a Saint; But you must consider,
if Scotland and Ireland, and King Charles the Second advance,
the Lusture of Religion will be found some where else,
then in the Beams that reflect from Cromwels Nose; and so farewell
brother Schismatick; pray Order a Humiliation for Ireton, for
I hear say, That the Noble Earl of Darby has hang'd him up;
so they will decrease in time; there is another Regicide followed
Gregory the Hangman; therefore be merry Loyallists, the time is
Coming: You Bonfires light with Cromwels pocky Nose,
And Tyburn deckt, with all King Charles his foes.
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