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The man in the moon, Number 18, 15th-23rd August 1649 E.571[18]

(Numb. 18)
The Man in the Moon,
Discovering a World of
Vnder the
Both in the Parliament, the Counsell of State, the Army, the City
and the COUNTRY.
With Intelligence from all parts of England, Scotland,
Die Lunæ, From Aug. 15. to Thursday August. 23. 1649.
Now NOLL'S imbarqu'd on Irish seas,
if Neptune prove his friend,
His Dives Snowt may finde some ease,
and cool before his end.
No landing-place he can obtaine,
the Starve, threaten his wrack;
Which will goe neer to end his Reigne,
since he is forced back.
Junes now is met withall byth' way,
Dublin is set on fire,
Brave Inchiquin has won the day,
the Rebells can't retire.
The Levellers are proud and hie,
the COUNTRYS will take part;
The Juncto are in misery,
and fear a roap and cart.
Now must I be beholding to the fashion of long too'd Boots: to
kick the Rebels backwards, till they disgorge and vomit up
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