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The man in the moon, Number 18, 15th-23rd August 1649 E.571[18]

Land-mark; but these not only encroach en their Neighbors
Land, but take Lands, Houses, Goods, nay Lives to boot
from the Parents, and force the children to begge bread, as they
have lately our Gracious Prince, and Duke of York the yong Lord
Capet, and many thousand families in England, even whilst the very
scum, and garbage of Rascallity and Busenesse enjoy their Goods
with a very good conscience: that Iack Lilburn, as Factious a firebrand
as ever ruin'd Kingdom, can now talk of his Thousands, that
was not born to thirty pounds, nor gained by any Trade (except
Fishing in troubled waters) five pound in all his dayes; yet
now is one of the Nobles of the new Jerusalem, and brib'd to
bark, to set on for Delinquents; that makes him bawle against
his other Companion in mischief Nell Cromwet, who like two
Theeves, fall together by the cares in subtilty to draw Company
about them, whilst their Associates pick their pockets: And
thus these crafty Foxes (whether more suspected or hated, I
cannot tell) use to draw several wayes, set the whole
kingdom on a flame; Cromwel one way like the Camelian, apt
to all objects, capable of all colours; his bate alwayes cloaked
with belinesse; Ambition with good Government; Flattery with
Elequence; but whatsoever he pretends, to be sure the end will
be dishonesty; using all manner of Deceits as so many Traps to
catch silly and well meaning people in; till all become his prey;
I am of that confidence, and believe, as I do my Creed, That
there is not a more Deceit fuller Hypocrite and Dissembler, nor
a greater enemy to Truth this day living upon the face of the
Earth then that, Bung-bole-stapper Cromwel, that takes upon him
the impudence to Rule and Reign over a Heroick, and free people,
as if they were all no better then so many Hoggs fed with his
Graynes, to be at his allowance, and kept either full or fasting as
he him self pleaseth.
The 29 of August must be a day set aside to mock God for the
Irish Victory; a Declaration is drawne up, and a Song of
Deliverance from that great Goliah Ormond, to the Tune of, Nose
bas kill'd his thousands, and Jones his ten thousands; God cannot
chuse but be exceedingly pleased with them; first for killing their
King; and secondly for fighting for meer Delusions and Lies,
and so killing one another for they know not what: Inquisition
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