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The man in the moon, Number 18, 15th-23rd August 1649 E.571[18]

for Blood will come the cry is already a scended, and signing back
with a return of so many heavie judgments ; that it is to be feared
red, Nose ere long will change his [unr]; and have cause rather
to curse God then thank him; for being prosperous in that which
is utterly forbidden in his word, namely, Murder : but God must
or thanked for a Lie that's their common devotion, and Jones have
a sacrifice offered to him, of six select Horses (of the late Kings)
out of Tutbury race; indeed they might as well have Raised him
a new regiment, for most of the best of his Horses were killed at
that time, for all their great foyst: Why don't they thank God for
that too? Not a word, I Warrant you.
The Brewers delivered a Petition in, against the Excise, which
was committed, close Prisoner to a Committee, they might do well
to do something for Brewers for their new Saviors sake; is not K.
Cromwel a Brewer? pride Brewer? Was not Lilburn cut out of
a shred of broad-clothin St Swithins Church yard, and drawn to be
a Brewer, till he broke, and began to brew dissentions, which was
a more thriving trade; and have not all since encreased their Estates
by brewing mischief, and ruinating the most glorious Christian
King (setting our Redeemer aside) as ever reigned; and as
flourishing an Island, the like was not in the world beside; all
this was done by Brewers, enough to gain so much respect, as to
move them to bring in a Schedule of the Excise; to take in Male
for another Gaile, which must be brew'd out of hand; and that
is a new Model for the Excise, and an Aditonal Act for rating private
houses by the great. I hear they have a trick, to go with a
Schedule from house to house in every County to gather hands for
the Confirmation of their Government; and such as deny to
acknowledge their Power just, lawful, and warrantable, shall be marked
out for their shambles at Westminster: Well, I say but little;
but, &c. we are all bewitch'd, that's for certain, or else we should
never be such slaves.
And now I talk of Witches, there were some arraigned and suffered
lately at Worcester session; and one Witch richer then the
rest, claim'd kindred of the Rebels that tryed her, and brought in a
comparison of their being alike: and for a bribe of; 500.l. was saved:
Another sending her Maid to gather some Time out of a Neighbors
Gardens mile off, accidentally meeting with her Sweet-heart, lost that
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