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The man in the moon, Number 18, 15th-23rd August 1649 E.571[18]

Blasphemy and Heresie, such Candid expressions of Christ, and
the Spirit of Christ, that were it not for their for did Actions, quite
contrary to their expressions, it might deceive, if possible, the
Elect; but their presence of God appeared in Ireland! and made
bare his arm; and God sought for them and their Joshua's at
Dublin! Blasphemous hypocrites! which of them could behold
his presence? He cannot endure to behold Iniquity and Lies,
and [unr]n those that are the grand upholders and maintainers of
Iniquity and Lies, behold him! Moses trembled to behold the
back parts of his Glory, but these can out-face him; are best fellow
well met with him, can keep him in a box, and make him do
what they list; make him the Pander to all their Murders, Treasons
and Villanies; and this wretched Island their Bawdy-house,
and the Devil an Ass, who hath been so many hundred
yeers hamering out this Toleration, all Christendome over, and
could never prevaile; and now Pride, and Tom Simpleton has
done it to his hands.
Being called in, they had the Thanks of the House, and that
they would fall to work presently, and hasten the same with all
possible speed and convenience: and truly, they durst do no other:
If Pride should Command them to Worship his Copper
for a God, they were all damn'd if they did not Vote it presently.
Hall and Steel, two of their corrupt Lawyers, have liberty to
Plead within the Barre; You must consider, they have some
new piece of injustice for these two to do exe long: beware
some body.
A new Act for settling 4000.l. Per an. on Fairfax and his
heirs for ever; and likewise for settling Lands on Eambert, Ioms
and Coot: Who would not be one of their Creatures, to receive
such blessed rewards? but is it their own Estates they give? They
would be hang'd first; and by reason it is none of their own, I
make a question whether it will thrive; besides, the destruction
of Rebels crimes on the sudden; and when Theeves fall out, true
folks most commonly comes by their Goods.
As an Introduction to which. a lamentable Complaint was
made of many Troops and Regiments that had Disserted Noll
after they had got their Accompts Audited, and Debenters for
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