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The man in the moon, Number 18, 15th-23rd August 1649 E.571[18]

of some certain Ordnance that were planted, in cafe he
should attempt his landing there: So that it is much to be
doubled, the Saints will forced to recall their DECLARATION,
and alter the property into a HUMILIATION in stead
of a Thanksgiving, and inform the People, that the sense there
of was quite the contrary way, as in their former Profession
Declarations, Oaths, &c, But what need I teach them Evations
when they have so many already: More beside my felt being of
opinion, that their great crack foyst was but as the Song of a
Swan, a lightning before death; But I heard another Bird sing
That DUBLIN was in greater danger then ever; and Rings-end
Fort, and Rahfarnam were both regained; Nay worse then that
too, that the City was fired by an accident, and the Inhabitants
being busy in quenching thereof divers Prisonners happily escaped,
and got safe to ORMOND who joyfull welcomed
them, they telling the Marquess of the Round-heads taunts
and jears concerning taking him at Tables; He reply d with a
stern Countenance, That he had yet one game at IRISH to
play, should make the proudest Rebell of them all leave his
Carkasse at the stake.
His Higness the DUKE of York is now at sea with Forty
stout Men of Warr, all gallantly man'd; One of the Rebels best
Ships (reported to be the TYGER)with 34, Guns hath deferted
them,and came voluntarily in to his Highness; and more
are expected to revolt every day; he gains such love respect
from all Loyal-hearted Seamen.
The Levellers now begin a fresh to advance their Noddles,
and the oppressed People all England over, vow to side with
them; the godly party that have been Serviceable hitherto,
will not now be Bull'd with an Urchin; If the People be the
Supreme Authority, those at Westminster are but their inferiors
and intrusted Servants; They that give them Wages must
have an Account from them of their Work.
And then I hope they will Reward them all,
Those Clime so high, must have the greater fall.

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