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The man in the moon, Number 20, 30th August-5th September 1649 E.572[22]

(Numb. 20.)
The Man in the Moon
Discovering a World of
Under the
Both in the Parliament,the Councel of state,the Army, the City
and the COUNTRY.
With Intelligence from all Parts of England, Scotland,
Die Lune, From Aug. 30. to Wednesday September. 5. 1649.
Rejoyce, rejoyce ye Round-heads all;
Feast, Drink, and after Shoot:
The Irish Rebels needs must fall
when Oneal joyns with Coot.
But out alass, Nolls pocky sick,
and Jones is Rowted quite;
Dread Ireton serv'd him a base trick
t' Untruss when he should fight.
Ten thousand Men are sent for o're,
more Money, Horse, and Arms;
But Fairfax swears hee'l send no more
for fear of after harms.
A Plot, a plot, the Juncto-stink;
Fast, Pray, and Rue their Fate:
Cause Levellers List men to sink
their House, and Court of State.
WHat a goodly litter of Acts have we Puppied this week,
enough to furnish all the Tobacco shops, and Bandbox-makers
in the Town with Waste Papers: The teeming
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