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The man in the moon, Number 20, 30th August-5th September 1649 E.572[22]

There happened in the Borrough of Southwark a great Fray,
between the Round-heads and Loyalists; the Round-heads had
made a Bonefire for the Jones his great Victory, on their Thanks-giving
day at night, and keeping Centry, would know who every
one was for that came by, to intrap them; at last a Company
of Loyallists gathered together, set on them, beat them, and
slung all their fire about the streets; but the Round-heads having
the benefit of a Troop of Horse, the Loyallists were the
next day fetch'd out of their houses, and committed to prison,
and since carried before Bradshaw, who they say will find them
guilty of high Treason, to have their Goods Confiscated to the
Another Crack-fart mis-called an Act, was Reported, for
Measuring the West India Islands, and making them subordinate to
their usurped power; and good Policy too; for it is thought
that it must be their last Refuge, and therefore they ordered it to
be forthwith Printed and Published.
Another Act was in agitation forbiding to Brew strong Ale
at 18.s. Per Barrel, yet the Excize shall continue still as it was;
How will Col. Pride take this, if the Devil be not revenged on
them for this, then hee's an Asse.
A lamentable Letter came this day from Nose almighty to
the Juncto, laying open his necessities for speedy supplies and
Recruits: and so he had need, for the Marquesse is Resolved to
sight them presently; and if NOSE have better, then he
fights with the Devil indeed; for Ormond is at present 30000
strong, and Noll,Owen Roe Oneal, Jones, Coot, and all they can
make, are not 13000. and half of them as willing to Fight, as
to go to hanging: howsoever they referred his Letter to Bradshaw
and his Councel of State to take speedy Order therein.
An Act was Ordered about Prisoners for Debt; but the publick
Debts must not be mentioned, by no means, that's Treason
against the State.
The Councel of State preferred a Bill to the Juncto against Sir
Kelemne Digby, that he was infected with Wisdom and Learning
and therefore a dangerous person to the State: The House presently
Ordered, That Sir Kelemne should depart the Land within
20 dayes, and never to return into England under pain of
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