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The man in the moon, Number 20, 30th August-5th September 1649 E.572[22]

damnation, and confiscation of all his Estate: Also Sir Walter
Mountague to depart England within ten dayes; and that if any
person or persons shall harbor or conceal the bodies of these
two , their Estates shall be Sequestered by the Committee of these
County, and be glad they scape so too; Sir John Winter is also
Ordered to be apprehended , who staid for a Winde beyond the
time formerly granted him: yet they agree with Owen Roe Oneal
well enough, a greater Papist then Sir John Winter.
New Commissions are granted to old Rogues to apprehend
Convicted Recusants; the one is de Luke, the other Mayo;
two as notorious Rogues as ever groan'd at Tyburne; formerly
they would take men up in the streets, swear them to be Recusants,
binde them over to the Sessions, and then part stakes with
the Justices Clerks for Fees.
Okey is now plundering in the West for the Horses to make Dragoons
for Cromwel; and a Press they say is coming out: you
may judge by that what good success his Noseship has had
since he entered Ireland.
On Friday last was a great Thunder in the West, the Devil
took Shipping at Weymouth to go visit his eldest Son Cromwel in
such an anger, that he split the main Mast of one of their best
ships from the top to the botom, and slung the Missen overboard;
sure all is not well with Cromwel, the Devil would never
be so angry else.
That Pillory Earewigge Walker is Benefie'd (some say) about
Oxbridge; and hath Sainted Owen Roe Oneal in his Hebrew
Kallender and from a Bloudy Irish Rebel, has made him a Prophet;
a great change I promise you! As if Walker a broken Ironmonger
should leap from the Pillory to the Pulpit.
BE it known to the Parish where he Teacheth, That he is a raven-Wolf,
an impudent Lyar, a Whoremaster; and a Cheat; and
if ye have no better pastor then that Judas, the whole parish are more
liker to be Cuckolds then Converts: if upon fight hereof you kick
him not out of the Church the next Sunday after; on the Wednesday
following the Man in the Moon will send his Blessing into the whole
Parish: What! Must such Rogues Preach, and Orthodox learned
Divines perish for food? O Tempus! O Mores!
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