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The man in the moon, Number 22, 12th-19th September 1649 E.574[9]

The Man in the Moon.
Discovering a World of
Under the
Both in the Parliament, the Councel of State, the Army, the City
and the COUNTRY.
With Intelligence from all Parts of England, Scotland,
Die Lune, From Sept. 12. to Wednesday Septemb. 19. 1649.
Most mighty Noll is sick to death,
there's nothing will him ease;
His Blood-fed Soul faintly draws breath,
thanks to the new Disease.
Dread Ireton's Horse and Men do die,
just Heaven can curb their Pride,
Though Rebels do clime ne[unr]re so high,
at last they downward slide.
Destruction swift comes in an hour,
one day doth change their State,
And tumbles their Usurped power
into the Lap of Fate,
Loyal true-hearts rejoyce, be glad,
your Sun begins to Rise;
Your Foes dispair, fall sick, are mad,
sure God has heard your Cries.
A Candle for a sick Rebel : 'tis thought Noll will go neer to
play the fool and die of the New Disease, and so Cozen
the Hangman : 'tis a miracle if he should die in his bed; sure
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