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The man in the moon, Number 22, 12th-19th September 1649 E.574[9]

the Furies have a gallant time on't to make Musick to his seared
Conscience, and present him with all the good deeds he hath
formerly done: some report he talks idly, and speaks of injustice,
cryes out of Bradshaw, Steel, and would have them cut off the
Kings Children, and askes if the new Crown be made, and then
presently he starts and sayes, He must be King before he dies; and
then he cryes, Keep back, keep back, pistoll him, the Devil, the devil;
stay I'le ride to Westminster upon his back to be Crown'd, and
new Purge the House of the Presbyters: I must be sudden, the Levellers
will catch me in a snare else: O the Devil has drop me in the
middle of the Sea, help, help, I sinke else: And this is all his Discourse:
And thus this Bloody Rebel that was formerly the
Chief instrument to commit that New crying sin without all presnent,
under colour of Justice to murder their King and his best
Subjects, is now by the justice of God, punished with a New and
unheard of Disease, not much differing from the Plague, save only
these voyd much blood upward and downward, are lightheaded,
with saint spots upon them, not much differing from
those called Gods tokens: many of Iretons Horse and Men are
dead of this new Disease, the mortality being so great, that 50
or 60 die in a week, and sometimes 60 horses; few of the men
so much as asking God forgiveness, or indeed acknowledging a
Dispair in Chains doth drag them to their Graves,
A fearful and or perjur'd bloudy Knaves.
But yet the bloud. thirsty Juncto go on no more Proudly then
Securely in their wickedness; Bradshaw is as impudent as the
Devil; and rather thinks he has merritted heaven by judging
to death that Mirror of Mortality, King Charles, then Acted a
sin unpatdonable, and worse then that of Pontius Pilate: Tom
Simpleton is knawing and playing the fool with his Pen, as if he
were proud th the had learnt to write his own Name, and
Sign to what they wou'd have him; though to the destruction
of his Country: his Chaplain Peters is not a whit ashamed of
his former debauchery, Spiritual theft; preaching Blasphemy
and Rebellion against God and the King; but Fooths them still
up, Tows cushions to their elbows, calls them Moses, Joshuah's,
[unr], and Deliverers of the people out of Bondage and Captivity;
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