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The man in the moon, Number 26, 17th-24th October 1649 E.575[32]

The Man in the Moon.
Discovering a World of
Under the
Both in the parliament, the Councel of State, the Army, the City
and the COUNTRY.
With Intelligence from all Parts of England, Scotland,
Die Lune, From octob.17. to Wednesday October 24. 1649.
Noll cannot thrive On Irish-Coast,
get Victory nor Riches,
For Usquebah his Nose they toast,
and make him wrong his Breeches:
Return he must, he cannot live,
that Aire is too pure;
No nourishment it can him give,
that Serpents can't endure.
Yet he bares up, though Rowted quite,
tis Honor for his Grace;
But now he need not fear their might.
his Copper shields his Face.
His heart is double,trebble Gilt,
his Nose gainst Foes gives Fire;
For all the Blood that he hath spilt,
he now Receives his Hire.
CROMWEL would needs go for Ireland, though he
went without Doublet or Breeches; and now he is like to
come home without Head or Armes: Ha, ha, ha; I could cry,
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