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The man in the moon, Number 26, 17th-24th October 1649 E.575[32]

hour after, but were also Rowted: the fresh Souldiers in the
Town upon this drew out, and had the Execution of them 15
mile together: all their Foot were lost, and most of their
Horse: Cromwel and about 700 escaped to Dublin, the rest put
to the Sword, and all their Artillery taken, Waggons and
Armes, and Tredagh Recovered, also Trim and Dundalk: In
this Fight were killed divers of their best Commanders, 7000
Common Souldiers: Six Coaches are gone to Portsmouth for
the Carkasses of some of them: jones is buried in Dublin:
Reports say that Ireton is to be buried here; and others say tis
one of the yong Cromwels: great store of Mourning is provided:
and my Lady Cromwel is sick and betaken to her Privicy:
for her Majesty [with a pox] being busie in giving Directions
to hangher Court with the kings Rich Arras that came from
Hampton; Receiving a Letter from old Noll, for-bad the workmen
to do any more: whereupon the Arras were rouled up,
and Puss in her Majesty retired to her privy Closet ,where she
snivell'd abundantly, as if she had dropt from her middle Region
a showre of briny tears: The Work-men telling me this,
made me sing this Madrigal;
THe Sisters now do snott and snivel,
the Rebels they do quake,
The juncto they with pittcous drivel,
great Lamentations make.
The Councel of State are very sad,
the Army Scowle and powt,
The Citizens are all Horn-mad
since Noll Receiv'd his Rowt.
Alas, alas quoth Bradshaw then,
with judas I must live,
I would I had been Hanged when
I did false judgement give.
Then Gowty Tom came limping in,
at which my Worship smilde,
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