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The man in the moon, Number 26, 17th-24th October 1649 E.575[32]

With a Peck of Lies of the Junctoes invention, he once made
Indentures with his hands: you may meet with him late in the
Night, he commonly frequents Py-Corner about Mutton-time,
and seldome walks without his She-Intelligencer; this Thing
hath been missing about this Fortnight: if you find him, bring
word to Mr Griffin a Printer in the Old Bayly, and you shall be
well Rewarded for your pains.
The Second is Tuesdaies Moderate, by Gilb. Mabbot the grand
Lye-Censer of the Rest: he was formerly Rushworths journey
man, and sub-Aurbor of the London-Post; he is one of the Levelling
Cuckoes that sings in the State Gottam every Spring: 2
thing scarce worthy the Discription: bring word if you
find him to Robert White on Addle-hill, and you shall have a
Mornings draught for your labor.
The Third, if you ever saw the Picture of Iudas in a painted
Cloth, is just like him: but for the distance of time, you would
swear they were Brothers: his Conditions are not much different
from the first: He hath been of divers Professions; as
First, an Iremonger: Secondly a Booke-seller: Third a Preacher:
Fourth a Clerk or Machiavillian-Pamphleteer, and hath a long
time done penance in Two sheets of Perfect Occurrences: he hath
been missing about a week: if you find him Walking, bring word
to Mistriss Ibbitson in Py-Corner, and you shal be well Rewarded
the next impression.
The Fourth is one Dillingham a Prick-louse vermine Taylor,
Coupled to another of the same breed, called Codgrave, that can
read French, and Ttanslate Forreign News, intituled Moderate
Intelligencer: you may meet with the first in White-Friers,
and his fine Daughters at the Mopping-School: he hath been
lost this Fortnight: if you can tell Tale or Tydings of him,
bring word to Robert Leybourn a Printer in Monks-well street,
and you shall have a pott and a crust for your pains.
The fift are R.C. and B.D. two honest Trojans, Authors of the
Wekely Intelligencer and Account, which because they halted in
their intelligence I condemn close prisoners to the Castle at
Cripple-gate. For the Authors of those Crack-foysts called
Acts, I condemn to New-gate; and after, &c.
Those that contend to write against their King,
Should in their Lines learn first the Art to swing.

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