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The man in the moon, Number 29, 7th-14th November 1649 E.579[11]

(Numb. 29.)
The Man in the Moon.
Discovering a World of
Under the
Both in the Parliament, the Councel of State, the Army, the City
and the COUNTRY.
With Intelligence from all Parts of England, Scotland,
Die Lune, From No. 7. to Wednesday Novemb.14. 1649.
The Irish now doe all unite,
the Scots and King agree,
Montross is landed,and will fight
'gainst Argyls treacherie.
The Juncto yet goe on,and think
that all's secure and well,
They Murder, Steal; nay Whore, and Drink,
and say, There is no Hell.
Whilst Nobles, Gentry begge for bread,
all (but themselves) made slaves,
The poor in streets lie famished,
whilst we are rul'd by Knaves.
All Christendom in Peace conclude,
and will before next spring
Raise Men and Horse a Multitude,
to bring home CHARLS our King.
PUll up a good heart yet, and raise up your heads above all
your afflictions, methinks I see a cloud as bigge as a mans
hand arising in the North, that brings in it a showre of comfort,
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