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The man in the moon, Number 29, 7th-14th November 1649 E.579[11]

use all their Art to draw over men, under Colour of enjoying
their Estates there; but the Plott is, (if they could get them
over) to make them fight: but I doubt there is but few, but
will be wiser then go, whilst they see more: And Cromwel for
ought I hear, more likely to be called away home, then to stay
there, if the News hold firm from the North of Scotland, as I
am Credibly informed it doth.
His Majesty with the Duke of York is yet in Jersey: Some
Spyes of the Juncto's were lately discovered and apprehended
there, and are since secured; and all suspitious Persons, who
adhere to the Juncto, are turned out of that Isle: His Majesty
is very merry, and was heard to say, He would Recover England
in one Yeer, or else He would take up His Lodging by His Father:
He hath, as is Credibly Reported, fully Agreed with the Scottish
Nation, and taken the COVENANT, which makes
the Presbyterians here, begin to stand upon their Pantophles;
and have met divers times and Concluded about drawing up a
Protestation against the late Engagement; and are now publishing
a Book to shew the Reasons Why they cannot Subscribe
thereto. His Majesty is Resolved to March from Scotland in
the head of a powerful Army, and is already preparing for His
Journey thither, and to have a Convoy out of Holland.
All private business is to be forborne in their Rebellious
House for a Month; and they only to consider in that time,
which way to Raise more Money to pay their Men-killers:
Goldsmiths-hall, the Kings Revenue, and all their former Burglaries,
are not sufficient to pay half,(and that themselves may
be as Rich as Kings too) therefore their Committee could not
see any Probabillity in making any abatement of the Assessement
of the 90000 pounds per mensem; but on the contrary,
there is Required 110917 pounds more to make up their Pay
for the first three Months,and a far greater Sum for the next
three after: Therefore their merciful Harbergers Ordered,
That there be a new assessment made for their Army throughout
England,Ireland, and Wales, for 6 Months after the 25 of
Decemb. next ensuing after the Rate of 90000.l. per month:
Look to your Purses Commons; 'tis a coming: you have a
happy time to be Servants to work all your lives for such Catterpillers.
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