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The man in the moon, Number 29, 7th-14th November 1649 E.579[11]

The Newes comming since from Ireland that a Regiment of
Horse and two Troops of Dragoons have deserted Cromwell,
and joyned with Inchiquin, besides two Troops of Coots horse,
that were taken in their Quarters, as the Rebells themselves
confesse; what welcom Cromwells Bratts have into Ireland, appeareth
by the love of the Irish to them, that they will not accommodate
them with Provisions of Dyet and Lodging, but
put them to fish for Herrings, which they are so eager of, that
they eate to surfeit; so say their own Letters: by this you may
guesse what plenty they have amongst them of Provisions; when
the scurvy, and feavors are so riffe amongst them, and they are
forc'd to eat that which procures such Diseases. But for certain
they die so fast, that it would be abundant wisdom in the
State, to send over Clericus Walker, their Occurence-maker to
compose a Bill of Mortallity, that the Saints (after all their
hazzards and hard services) may not march into the Kingdom
of Darknesse without some remembrance, when they have earnd
it so dearly.
Consideration was had this week concerning Thieves, (they
doe not mean themselves, that live by Murder and Robbery)
but poor sneaking Thieves that blush to commit Robberies
by day-light, and so disparrage their profession; and therefore
incurred this Vote following.
Resolved upon the Question by the House of Robbers themselves,
THat such Person or persons, who shall within the space of
six months,now next comming, apprehend and bring in
safe custody, before any Justice of the Peace, or any other Officer
or Justice, any person (the States Officers exempted) that
hath committed, or shal commit any Burglary or robbery on the
High-way, or that hath or shall break open any dwelling house,
or enter into any such House, and there use any violence upon
any Persons, or their Goods dwelling or residing therein, upon
conviction of such Person apprehended, shall have a reward of
Ten pounds for every such Person so apprehended and convicted;
provided they be not Officers to the Juncto in any wise
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