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The moderate intelligencer, Number 200, 11th-18th January 1649 E.538[21]

Numb. 200.
Moderate Intelligencer:
Impartially communicating Martiall
Affairs to the KINGDOM of
From Thursday, January 11. to Thursday January 18. 1649.
THe last touch upon Government, that they might he already by
those who first gave them life, and that the happiness of a
people lay not in the alteration of the moade but men; people
having been again and again blest as to heaven and earth, spirituall
and temporall, under King and Queens, as might be
instanced out of Scripture, Ecclesrasticall and Civill Histories
and times, in memory and so, when by Nobles and others,
and also, when Nobles have had little or no strcake in government;
as in the Visited Provinces, Venice, Gen[nl]oa: and others
at this time. The query may be seasonable when there is ground of alteration and
change, it being hardly denied by any, but that those instructed by men may so deport
themselves, as presents them incapable of their former trust, it being supported as an undeniable
truth, that though God did ordain government, yet never may way to be binding
to all the World: The following case hath be[nl]en many times put to emi[nl]nent Roya[nl]lists, both
of parts and learning, and ever granted.
That if the King of France Spain, or any other King who hath a birth claim, should
sell the people committed to his charge as slaves, and all thats theirs, whether liberties or
estates to a foreign Prince or power, to be captives to his, or their wils, that then it were
lawfull for them people to do what lies in them to hold their own by force of arms, alteration
of Governours the good of the Commonwealth here becoming the supreme
Law, and so in what offence is equivalent. For the right Csting of, and resolving this
great question; it must be considered, that particular offences, though of a very high nature,
are not grounds, as the Kings killing of a man, forcing a woman, because these
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