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The moderate intelligencer, Number 204, 8th-15th February 1649 E.543[3]

Numb. 204
Moderate Intelligencer:
Impartially communicating Martiall
Affairs to the KINGDOM of
From Thursday, February 8. to Thursday February 15. 1649.
THe last left at the alteration or nulling Kingly Government, and
the House of Lords.
Alterations of such high natures are subject to many inconveniencies
and troubles, which will, if they come, prove
most heavie upon the people, as all Warre is, thought they
have the least hand in it: In that respect, it should be the care
that men should have, not to intermeddle or side, especially
in opposing the present power, for it wilbe no gain to them
what ever to others: besides, alwayes they who succeed,
labour to give all content that may be, which may last the present age, and in case opposition
be, it's not like sodainly to end; however, not to generall benefit, and if
others prevail, it's possible they may govern by the Sword, which of all others, will
prove most sad, which the other government is not like to do,their interest being more immediately
involved in the people, and it's taken up professedly for the good of the
people, which if it should not be accordingly done, it would no stand or be setled,
and it must believed, that the future safety or interest cannot be other then the
Wealth, Honour, Riches, Ease, and Glory of the People, however, a passive posture
will have most comfort, least hazard.
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