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The moderate intelligencer, Number 204, 8th-15th February 1649 E.543[3]

of Justice for the time being, do administer Justice, and do
proceed in their respective Places and Offices accordingly; Which
Resolution, with Reasons thereof, shall be hereafter published in
a larger Declaration touching the same. And it is hereby Ordered
and appointed, That this Declaration shall be forthwith proclaimed
in Westminster-Hall, and at the old Exchange; And the Judges
in their respective Courts at Westminster, and at the first sitting
thereof, are to cause this Declaration to be publiquely Read; and the
Sheriffs, in their several Counties are to cause this Declaration to be
likewise published.
Dei Veneris, 9 Febr. 1648.
Ordered by the Commons assembled in Parliament, That
this Declaration be forth with Printed and Published; And that
the Members of this House do take care to disperse the said Declaration
into the severall Counties with all speed.
The spoyle of Deere in Parks and Chases, was this day endevoured against
by the Lord Generals Warrant, which is as followeth.
WHere as the Committee of the House of Commons for the publike
Revenue of the Kingdom by their letter of 3 Febr. instant,
have desired me to use my best endeavours for the preservation
of publique wood and timber which is of so great concernment for
shipping and other publike uses for the safety and good of the Kingdim,
and likewise to preserve the Deer in the Parks of Windsore,
Deane, and others from being destroyed: These are there fore to require
all Officers and Souldiers under my command that they be very
vigilant and carefull to suppresse and disperse all such lawlesse persons
as shall in a rude and unlawful manner cut down or destroy any
of the Woods, or Timber trees in the Forrests, Chases, Parks belonging
to the publike, and in case such persons shall still persist notwithstanding
warning given them by reading this Warrant in the Parish
Churches, neer adjoyning to the said Parks or Forrests, do then
hereby require the Officers and Souldiers of the Army (in pursuance
of the said desire of the Committee) for the publike Revenue) to
seize upon and secure the most active of the persons so offending, and
to bring them in custody before the said Committee (sitting at
Westminster) to the end they may be proceeded against according to
justice. And all care is to be taken that the Deer be not destroyed in
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