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The moderate intelligencer, Number 204, 8th-15th February 1649 E.543[3]

say, that hee is like to draw Tourraine to the Parliaments side; there by
to recover those Lands again, which the King had formerly taken from him:
if this warre ceass not, it will be a great advantage to the Spanish. The Princes
and Great Ones have treated, that no peace be with King or Cardinall;
unlesse with an unanimous consent of them all. Some hold, that the Cardinal
is not yet gone, but continueth stil with the King.
Nurnberg, Jan. 29.
At Augspurg is arrived the Emperours speciall Edict, enjoyning a speedy
execution. The Bavarian Deputies, and the Field Officers not agreeing at
Ratisbone, departed; General Piccolominy is gon to the Emperour at Vienna.
The Swedish Generalissimo is still at Leipsich, where hee expects the other
Generals under him. The Bavarian field Officers threaten, that unlesse
they have speedy satisfaction for their Militia, they will fetch it perforce
from Bavaria. At Augspurg delayes are sought in the restitution, therefore
speedy execution will be done upon the refractones The Swedish General
Wittenberg hath sent order to several garrisons, to make themselves ready to
be gone, but they disobey: and other Generals strengthen themselves, and
Wittenberg doth the like, at Retshin. The French forces about Tubingen
draw together to march to France.
Bruxel, the 4 of February.
Here is arrived a French Gentleman sent from his King to Archduke Leopold
with a proposal of peace, the Archduke demanded that all things be setled
and restored, as they were, Anno 1642. To day passed another Expresse
from France to Munster, his message is kept secret. They say, that the
Parliaments forces have sought with a Royal party. The shops in Par is are
opened againe, trading free, and bread good cheap.
Munster, the 1 of February.
The agreement made with the French, is delivered to the Spanish Embassador
to certifie his King, that so he restore the places in Alsatia to the French,
or else the States Imperial will force them to it. The Ratifications are not
yet delivered, the Swedish will not hearken to any publication of them, unlesse
they have their 1800000 Rix-Dollers pay'd. General Lamboy hath
taken some Hossish forces into the Spanish service: Count Voldermars forces
are ready to mutiny for want of money.
Antwerp, the 5 of February.
A passenger from Paris, who was the 30 of January in Paris, is arrived
here, he relates, that the Parliaments forces went abroad to fetch in provision
who encountered with Prince Condé's men, took 500, and brought them, into
Paris, Prince Conde had possessed himselfe of the Hill Mont Martyr being
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