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The moderate intelligencer, Number 204, 8th-15th February 1649 E.543[3]

army of several Nations, who ruined the Bishoprick of Colin, and but little
else. The 25 of March, Christian King of Denmark, made a league with
Lower Saxony, against the Imperialists, because they encroached so much
upon others: thereupon Tilly and Wallestein being too weak, were re-inforce
with horse and foot. The 10 of June, the King of Denmark fel from his
horse into the Ditch at Hameln, 29 foot high, which was an ill om[nl]en. the 4
of July Tilly surprized the Danish forces, slue 300 of them, among whom
was Duke Frederick of Oldenburg, and Obertrant, which last was much lamented,
being a man of great worth and valour the 10 of October, the Protestants
by a decree of the Emperour were Banished Austrid, which caused
a second insurrection of the inhabitants, who flew 1500 of Duke Adolfe of
Holsteins men, whereupon the cruel Duke of Bavaria sent against them
6000 of whom these poore Protestants flew 3000: their Gen: and great Officers
narrowly escaped in their shirts: after that they flue 300 Bavarians in
in three ships, besieged Lintz; their Gen: was killed by a shot before that
place, he was Felt-maker by trade which inraged the poore men, who chose
a Shoo-maker Gen: in his room, under whose command they fell again
upon Lintz, being at that time 80000 strong, against whom the D. of Bavaria
sent Lindlo: whom they beat so fearfully, that Lintz & Vienna was astonished
at it, this was done the 10 of No. the Protestants in this last action lost 4000
men and their second Gen: their enemy twice as many: after they chose a
Scholet of great valour and parts who encouraged them very much, thereupon
Pappenham was sent against them, (not any one Prince in Germany or
elswhere all this while appearing for these poore men,) whose right wing
they defeated : but he by a stratagem flew 6000 of them, notwithstanding
this, they recollected themselves and re-incountered their enemy, where they
lost 2000 more: which discouraged them not [nl]a little, however their Gen:
incouraged them to a third fight, himselfe marching in the head of them,
who set upon P appenbants forces, but with great disadvantage, himselfe being
taken and the whole Army of Protestants beaten, which was done the 20 of
November: when these poore men went to fight they sang a Psame which
Luther made in way of prayer for defence against Turk and Pope, in this
encounter were 7000 of the inhabitants were slain, in December Mansfield
encountered Wallestein at Dessan, in which he lost 3000 men, the 5 of December
Ferdinand the 3 was Crowned King of Hungary.
1626 Bethlen Gabor began the third war with the Emperour, but Wallestein
who pursued Mansfield in June into Hungary, drove Bethlens Gabor
back againe, by which he was forc't to a third peace with the Emperour, the
16 of July Duke Brunswick died, In August the King of Denmarke had a
fight with Tilly at Luton: where he lost 7000 men, among whom Phillip
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