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The moderate intelligencer, Number 204, 8th-15th February 1649 E.543[3]

the Kingdom of Scotland, do therefore most unanimously and cheerfully, in recognisance
and acknowledgment of his just Right, Title, and Succession to the Crown of these
Kingdoms, hereby proclaim and declare to all the World, that the said Lord and Prince
Charles is by the Providence of God, and by the lawful right of undoubted Succession
and Descent, King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, whom all the Subjects of this
Kingdom are bound humbly and faithfully to obey, maintain, and defend according to
the National Covenant, and the Solemn League and Covenant, betwixt the Kingdoms,
with their lives and goods, against all deadly, as their only righteous Sovereign Lord &
King; and because his Majesty is bound by the Law of God, and fundamental Laws of
this Kingdom, to rule in righteousness and equity, for the honour of God, the good of
Religion, and the wealth of his People: It is hereby declared, That before He be admitted
to the Exercise of his Royal Power, He shal give satisfaction to this Kingdom in
these things that concern the security of Religion, the Unity betwixt the Kingdoms, and
the good and peace of this Kingdom, according to the Nationall Covenant, and the Solemn
League and Covenant; for the which end, we are resolved with all possible expedition
to make our humble and earnest Addresses unto His Majesty: For the Testification
of all which, We the Parl. of the Kingdom of Scotland publish this our acknowledgment
of his just Right, Title, and Succession to the Crowne of these Kingdomes at
the Market Cross of Edenburgh, with all usuall Solemnities in the like Cases; and ordain
His Royal Name, Pottract and Scal, to be used in the publike Writings and Judicatories
of the Kingdom, and in the Mint-house, as was usually done to His Royall Predecessours,
and comand this Act to be proclaimed at all the Market Crosses of the Royall
Burghs within this Kingdom, and to be Printed, that none may pretend ignorance.
GOD save King CHARLES the Second.
This was done by the whole Parl. the Lords all in their Roabs, the Crosse was richly
hanged, the Chancellour brought up the Proclamation, read it to the King at Arms,
who proclaimed it, the City being in Arms, making a great shew and shout, the great
Guns went off. It's decreed to send foure persons of eminencie to invite their proclaimed
KING to come in upon the conditions exprest in the Proclamation, these
4 will be, one Earl, one Baron, one Burgess, and one Divine, their names might be guest
at, but of that in the next, some, also, it's like will be sent into England. There will be speciall
care had, notwithstanding this, to leave out, or not to have to doe with any who
were in the late engagement, or that have been in Arms formerly against either Parl. and
P. Charles must quit all that party if he expect welcome at Edenburg, which it's believ'd
he will doe, and leave the other to shift for themselves in Ireland.
Febr. 12.
The King was buryed Friday at Windsore (in the same Vault where Hen. the 8th and one
of his Wives were formerly interred) in the Presbyterian way, notwithstanding, it's affirmed,
he had in his written prayer which be used morning and night, a Petition for pardon
that ever he consented to Presbytery in Scotland.
The Commons added Col. Dean and others to be of the Committee for the Navie, they
proceeded somwhat as to Justices of the Peace, and the Oaths of Freemen of England, &
Supremacie, as appears by the following Acts.
BE it enacted by this present Parl. and by authority of the same, That the Oath under
written, and none other, be administred to every Free-man of the City of London,
at the time of his admission to the said Freedom.
YOu shall sweat, That you shall be true and faithfull to the Commonwealth of England,
and in order thereunto, You shall be obedient to the just and good Government of this
City of London: You shall to the best of your power maintain and preserve the Petts, and
all the due Franchises thereof and according to your knowledge and ability, doe and performe,
all such other Acts and things as doe belong to a Free-man of the said City.
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