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The moderate intelligencer, Number 217, 10th-17th May 1649 E.555[25]

Britain's Death, with a charge to resume is, some after the said Marriage; which to be present
at, the Prince Palatine, John Casswire, is newly come to this Towne.
From Dantzie, the 13th of April.
The Suspension of Armes agreed upon between the Polonians, and the Cossaques, hath bred
a mis-intelligence between the said Cossaques, and the Peasants of Russia; who not approving
thereof, are assembled, to the number of thirty thousand men, with a purpose to fight
with the Polonians; who shew that they have a very good will unto it, although their Army
consist not, as yet, of above twelve thousand; but those for the most part, Germans, and
experienced Souldiers. We are here informed, that Duke Ratzevil, chiefe Commander of
the Polonian Forces in Lithuania, hat had good successe against the Rebels, whom he much
restrains from making Incursions into that Province, and their continuall Ravages therein.
From Lisborn, the 6th. of April.
The hopes we are put into that his Holinesse, will at length, resolve to provide for the vacant
Archbishopricks, and Bishopricks of this Kingdome, and other Places depending on it,
have induced our King to nominate, of his own Subjects, Persons, which be capable, as well
for their piety, as other Sufficiencies, of the said Dignities. viz. to the Archbishoprick of
Broga (acknowledged to be the Primacie of all Spaine, notwithstanding the Pretensions of th'
Archbishop of Toledo) Don Pedeo de Lancastere, (President of the Justice of the Palace, of the
House of Ameiro, and descended from John the second King of Portingal) for th' Archbishoprick
of Evora, Don Francesco Barrez, Bishop of th' Algares, (which Bishoprick his
Majesty hath given to Father Denisder Anges, an Augustine, Monk, and his (Confessor;) for
the Bishoprick of Guards, Don Antonio Pobo, (great Prior of the Military Order of Saint
James;) for that of Lamege, D. Antonio de Mendosa, (Commissarie of the Bula de la Croisada)
for the Bishoprick of Lerida, Don Diégo de Sonza. (Inquisitor of the Holy Office) for that of
conimber, D. Sebastian, Cesar de Menezez, (here to fore named for Porto, which hath been
given to D. Pedro de Menezez: D. Tbedosio, his School-master.
From Naples, the 11th. of April.
The Major Generall D. Dionisio Gufman, being unable to get the better of the D. or Matalone,
(whose Forces daily increase) would revenge himselfe on the Dutchesse his wife, whom
he besieged within her Castle of Rienzo: but she defended her selfe so gallantly, as she compelled
him to withdraw from thence, without performing any other exploit, then to informe
against the Duke her Husband, and cause an Inventory to be taken of part of his Goods,
and summon him to appeare before our Viceroy: to whom this Dutchesse having complained
of these things, received no other satisfaction, but this Answer, that they were all done
without any Order from him. After which, this Spanish Major Generall presenting himself,
with his Forces, before Capua, there to take possession of the Government thereof, which had
been bestowed upon him by his Catholick Majesty, th' Inhabitants refused to let him
enter into it; which hath forced him to come back hither, to acquaint the Viceroy with-all,
who is resolved to in force this People to receive him; thereby to assure himself of this,
the principall Town of the Province, and Key of the whole Kingdome. The sixt of this Instant,
they made Bonefires six houres together, and other Expressions of publick Rejoycing,
because that on that day twelve-moneths the Spaniards surprized the Tower of the Carmelits,
and other considerable Quarters in this Town: the Viceroy having marched the same day,
with a gallant number of Horse, from his own Palace to the Cathedrall Church, where he
caused a Te Deum to be sung, and upon that a Proclamation to be made, that from thenceforth
no man should be executed that had borne armes for the People. Some of the domesticall
Servants of the D. of Guise have lately escaped from Capus, (where they were kept
prisoners) by the help of a Spanish Serjeant that looked unto them; and stands thereof imprisoned
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