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The moderate intelligencer, Number 217, 10th-17th May 1649 E.555[25]

in the roome of them. The Prince of Montesarchio, to whom the Spaniards had
promised Liberty, so as he would, at his owne charge, raise a Troop of Horse, after he had
performed it, was restrained more strictly then before: and we continue the same Rigours against
the rest of the Neapolitan Lords, to whom it is imputed, that the Banditi, whose
great number growes formidable to us, are protected by them.
From Rome, the 9th. of April.
The Senator Casnedi, who came hither to manage the League betweene the Princes and
States of Italic against France, under the pretence of soliciting for a Cardinals Hat for the
Duke of Cardonats Son, goes back unto Milan, by reason of the small likelihood hee finds
of any success in his Negotiation, since the entire Pacification of the troubles in France, which
so much displeases the Spanish Nation, as that it employes even at this time, all the cunning it
hath, to take away the belief of the same: thereby to hold continually mens spirits in suspence.
And because they find themselves unable to suppress, by arms, the unquietnesses remayning
within the Kingdom of Naples, they have recourse unto the Censures of the Church, which
here they beg may be thundred out against the Neapolitan Lords (because, as they say, they
have, during the late troubles, put to death certain Priests, and Friers;) especially, the Duke
of Metalone, and the Count of Conversano; which having been unsuccessfully cited by them to
appear before the Viceroy of Naples, have again, this week been summoned by the Pope; who
hath comanded the former of them to appear, in person, at Viterbo, and the other at Onvietto,
upon the penalty of Excommunication, and other the like Ecclesiasticall Censures.
From Venice the 20th. of Aprill.
Our Senate being much offended at th'ill entertainment of the Generall Gild Ilas in candia,
hath sent to command the Generalissimo Mecciningo, to restore him unto his former Charg,
and Dignities, with a power to enter into all Councels, of War, from which he had been excluded;
leaving it to hi own choice, in case he wil serve no longer in that Kingdom, to resume
hether, and take employment in Dalmatia, as soon as Generall Colorado shall arrive in Candia,
with the succour which he carries thither. Two of our ships, th' one called the Dovezza, the
other th' Albrizzi, offering to cast anchor at th' Island of Cassandra in the Levant, there to
take in some corn, th' Inhabitants, fearing they should there by provoke the Turks, would not
permit them to do it: But those two ships meeting, in their Return back, with a great Caramusal
which was passing from Negropont unto Canca, took her, & within her 40 Turks, and good
store of Provisions. Generall Foscolo had taken out of Cattalo two pecces of Ordnance, and
other Ammunition, for the besieging of Castelnevo: But it is said, that he is retired thence by
order from the Common-wealth, upon Intelligence of th' approach of divers Ottoman forces,
unto the Frontires of Dalmatia, which they adjudge it more sit to preserve, then to make
fruitless. Irruptions into the heart of an Enemies Country. In the mean-while, this seigneury
hastens its warlike Preparations both by sea and Land for th'approaching Sommer, having
here 1500 Foot, ready to be put abroad 16 ships, which it send into Candia. Here arrives
likewise good store of Mariners out of Tuscanie; and this week or two Companies of Foot,
come out of th' Ecclesiasticall Estate, to serve within our Armies. Eight hundred Turkes being,
a while ago, gathered together about Chenin, fell into the Territories of Potozza; where
they slew many of our men, and carried away store of Pillage, and Prisoners: But the Peasants
near those Parts, assisted by the Inhabitants of Spalatro, and some Souldiers, charged
them so couragiously in their Retreat, that they slew two hundred of them: among whom
a certain Turk, carrying behinde him a young Maide which he had taken, was slaine by her
with a knife, which she thrust into him, as soon as she perceived Reliefe approaching. The
Marquis of Fuentes, after seven years performance, in this Place, of the Charg: of Ordinary
Embassadour for the King of Spaine, now prepares himself to be gone towards Vienna, as
extraordinary Embassadour from the same King to the Emperour. This Common-wealth hath
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