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The moderate intelligencer, Number 217, 10th-17th May 1649 E.555[25]

sometimes for borne, left others take offence, and it's prudentiall. Of a further answer to this
and the remaining Queries in the next.
May the 10th.
The Parl. having ordered the Proclaming the Act for altering the late Government Monarchical,
& finding it not done in London the Metropolis, & so example to England, order, that the
reasons why that businesse is not done be reported, and that farther curse be taken therein,
The Seales for the Counties of Denby and Mongomery ordered to be altered: An Act for altering
the Nisi Prius Seal in the upper Court, formerly the Kings Bench. an Act read for
altering the Marshals Court of that Court ordain'd for the Kings houshold affairs, the abuses
was referred to a Committee to be enquired into. Col. Beecher ordered his money (formerly
ordered) out of the revenew. An Act for altering the Southwark Seal. Officers that have arrears
due for service in Ireland, petitioning, had it allowed out of conceil'd Delinquents
in Dorsetshire.
May the 11th.
The Parl. upon notice that Corporall Thomson was in Arms, and had a party that had quit
the Generall and Officers power and command; declare that he, and all that adhere to him, &
all that be at Arms, or shall do so without authority of Parl. are, and shall be accounted Rebels
and Traitors, and that a Proclamation issue forth for that purpose, and that the Gen. be
sent unto to use his best endeavours to suppresse such, that the Nation may be in quiet. Major
Gen. Skippon ordered to take care of the City, that none of this faction disturb the peace
thereof, or do wrong to the Parliament; the same was ordered to be done by the Militia of the
out Parishes: they dispeneed with the Post-master of Tossiter. who had promised Thompson
to return to him again: Behold, how this new Gen. tooke upon him, all will be Generalls, if
this way goe on. The Councell of State ordered to give directions to the Martiall power of
London, in order to the peace thereof. They order that Tuesday next they would fit as a
grand Committee to consider of putting a period to this Parl. when a new Representative,
and how, the Act of oblivion Proceeded in, also that for taking off fee Quarter, and to
make the Nation a Rebublike: Mr. Henry Darley re-admitted into the House.
May 12. L. Col. John Lilburn, and the three other with him in the Tower, ordered to be
apart, and close Prisoners (that is, none to speak with them but in hearing of their Keepers)
and that they have no allowance from the state towards their maintainance, was also agreed
The Act for taking off free Quarter this day assented unto.
May 14.
An additionall Act for names of Commissioners the 90000 lib. a moneth, past this day,
the slownesse in that businesse will go neer to spoyl the Act that takes off Free Quarter in a
kinde. The Act declaring what shall be Treason agreed unto, which is as followeth.
WHereas the Parliament hath abolished the Kingly Office in England and Ireland,
and in the dominions and Territories thereunto belonging, and hath Resolved
and Declared, That the People shall for the future be Governed by it's owne Representatives,
or Nationall Meetings in Councell, chosen and entrusted by them for that
purpose, Hath setled the Government in the way of a Commonwealth and Free State, without
King, or House of Lords; Be it Enacted by this present Parliament, and by the Authority
of the same, That if any person shall maliciously or advisedly publish by Writing, Printing,
or openly declaring, That the said Government is Tyrannicall, Usurped or Unlawful:
or that the Commons in Parliament assembled are not the supreme Authority of this Motion;
or shall Plot, Contrive or Endeavour to stir up, or raise Force against the present Government,
or for the subversion or alteration of the same, and shall declare the same by any
open deed, That then every such Offence shall be Taken, Da[unr]ed and Adjudged, by the
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