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The moderate intelligencer, Number 217, 10th-17th May 1649 E.555[25]

they witlessly obtain mercy; there's no news from Holland that contents, its a great affliction
that the State of Scotland is such, that the Commissioners who attend the declared
King, cannot be so round with him for answer, as were to be desired, and makes for the peace
of that Kingdom. The fortifying of Leith goes on.
The last mention'd the revolt of several troopers from comand, and of their drawing together,
as of Colonel Scroops, Part of Colonel Reynolds, all Commissary Generall Iretons
except Capt. Morgans troop, and as is since assured Major Gibbons, since which these giddy
heads & headless men have bin wholly subdued: & thus Col. Reynolds men under command of
one Thomson, were faln upon by a party with the Col. who light upon them in and neer Banbury;
some were drawn off by a delivery of Colours: one man was kill'd in the business, Thomson
being more valiant then wise, dismounting three, got away with some 60 others, who (as its
said) went towards Col. Scroops Regiment: this party was about 300, the residue either went to
the Col. or shrunk away, the Gen. and L. Gen. marcht towards Salisbury, to find out Col. Scroops
& Commissary Gen. who were in expectation of more coming to them from Col. Harrisons &
Col. Hortons: these understanding of the Gen. drawing neer wheel about towards Oxford, intending
Buckinghamshire, a place where they expected friends, and also from London: this motion
puts the Gen. upon a turn also, and quartering Monday night within a long nights march
of them, the Gen. sends outs a party which the L. Gen. comands, they match with notable speed,
and secrecie, find this gallant simple party in Burford, not so much as on horsback, they bustle
a little with the L. Gen. but at last all are prisoners, one only kill'd: the Prisoners were 900,
they had chose some Officers, among others; one Read that made the stir at Hartford. These
prisoners wil be brought to London, its thought, some wil be made examples, whether the rest
wil be cashiered, & others taken in their room, or pardoned, time will shew: fró these mighty
clouds being so soon scattered, it may be said, That many good Souldiers prove simple Officers.
That this reward is just upon disobeying comands rather then which men should cashiered
themselves: that its good either to find Souldiers work, or else to have none, but those who have
no more wit then to fight and play: if these men had bin rich, what a booty had there bin to
have beg'd them in a time when Courtiers did thrive that way: they sent a Declaration to the
Gen. and another to the speaker. There was a confidence in the Souldiers, and fear in the
Comanders: that one party would not ingage against the other, which was little made triall
of in regard of the way taken by the Generall.
May 16.
The Parliament considered of these men, and having some Intelligence of some incouragement
given them, and confederacy with them, they refer the matter to Derby House to examine.
They considered of the 4' a Chaldron upon Coals, the tax upon Salt, and Grinding-Stones
at News a stle for payment of that Garrison, being debated, it was agreed, a Committee
consider of the other wayes for Payment thereof, which it's beleeved will appear sufficient,
and so those Impositions forthwith taken off, which will be a great case to the Subject:
They inclined to take off a twelve penny Taxe from Coales also: This businesse
was earnestly advanced by the Governour of the said Town. Sir Robert Harlow not
being willing to conyne money with the new stamp agreed upon, he having that place by
Patent, the House inclin'd to make choise of another: News came this day that the Prince
of Wales will suddenly be at Paris and there no doubt observe the directions of his Mother:
this seems incredible. Montrosse is to go immediatly to Scotland, it is as confidently reported,
and that there is approbation given of his going by many great Scotch men present at the
No news from Du[unr]in this week. The Treaty between France, and Spain, begins to creep
again. L. Col. John Lilburn, &c. yesterday voted maintainance in prison.
Printed for R. Leybourts in Monkswel street.
Imprimatur, Theo. Jennings.

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