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The moderate intelligencer, Number 216, 2nd-10th May 1649 E.555[3]

leaves are made by that King, in relation to restauration and revenge; he, as it's said
and also sweden, will each afford 10000 men and 10 sale of ships, in favour of the
Prince of males. The result of the Dyet at Stockholme was published, the Queens
Commotion is to be the 30 of August, for which preparations are making. At the
same Dyer a Marringe was concluded betwixt Prince Palatine. Christian August: of
Sul[unr]pach, and the Countesse Amalis[unr] of Nass[unr]e, the celebration of these Nuptials are
the 8 of April. From poland is certified, that the Commissioners that treated with
the Cossaques are returned, relating that all manner of hostilities are to cease till
Whitsuntide, after which, the Treaty betwixt them is to be re assumed in the field:
But of the Rebellious Polonian Peasants 30000 are in a body, and are resolved rather
to give a Battell, and fight it out with the Polon an Army, then to stand to the mercie
of their respective Land[unr]ds and Masters.
Pragne, April 24.
Three dayes agoe C I. Susas Regiment of Foot, which Quartered at Iglau, with two
Demi Cannons, two Culverings, and above 100 Centners of Gun-powder is come hither:
the Contish Rgiment which continueth the siege here, was much weakned, is
reduced, and of both made one; thereupon Col. Conte is gone to Presburg to the
Emperour, but the Swed[unr]th' Col. Prizensky Governor of the small Town of Prague;
hath disbanded, himselfe is gone into Poland to looketor a Commission there, in whose
place, Colonel conivis expected from Epra, and to be Governor at in the other
place. From Silesia is certified that Col. Gunu Sredish Governor at Olau, departed
this life, many peace, of Ordnance, small and great are brought from Olmitz
and Neuslad to Great Glogau, from thence they are sent to Franckford by water, and so
to Sultin.
Numberg, Aprill 20
On Wednesday last the Swedish Generalissimo went from Swainford to Harford
on Thursday he came to Bamberg, on Friday he arrived at Forckhein, accompanyed by
the Bishop of Bamberg, every where he is stately entertained: on Saturday, he and the
rest of the Princes, Lords, and Generals, arrived at werth, the Suburb of this City,
two dayes agoe, after Sermon and dinner they went to New market. Many Embassadors
are come hither, as the Elector of Saxonies, Brendenburg Parlatinates, and other
P[unr]nces ans States of the Empire, Landgrave Fredrick of Hessia the Emperours, Embassadour
and the Bavarian Commissioners who are gane to the Swedish Generals at
New[unr] let, all these comser here, above the finall execution of the agreement at Munster.
From the River of Rhine, April 30.
Generall temboy is still within colln, his Forces lie on the Mass at Venls[unr] and
Ro[unr]and their Randevonz is the Generall expects money from Praxels. At Colles
the e[unr]t a Cellonelgiv[unr] th Commissions to many Officers to leavie a Regiment for the
Prince of [unr]als Prince Elector Palatine is arrived at cleoe two days agoe, from
thence [unr] poem to Cossell.
Vienna April 21.
[unr] Gen. p[unr] colmini coming form Presburg, is arrived here, and two dayes
a[unr]tion hence with a great train toward, Nurnberg. Lord of Lundespur and
plamer[unr] all chose Privie Counsellour of the Empire, invested as Prorestant Assessor
and [unr] for any yesterday. The most of the Emperours Artillery is drawn out of
the sield[unr] and bro gh[unr] into the Magazine. The Emperours after the Dyet at Presburg
is end int [unr] Laxenburg to make use of the Bath and Acide-well. The
Turts conch such Hostilities on the borders, but being met by some Imperialist
were beaten, diverse killed and taken.
Antwerp. April 30
Ipis is not taken, private Letters told us formerly, by closely followed, the besieger
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