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The moderate intelligencer, Number 216, 2nd-10th May 1649 E.555[3]

but that is the manner of the Spaniards, to lessen the number when they are to require such a
Licence) there upon part of the said Grisons required of him some time to sent to understand
th' opinion and advice of the other Commonalties; and in the mean-while affirmed, that, as
to them, they would not consent unto such a Passage, untill they had been paid, by the Spaniards,
all that was due unto them, to this Debate were spent above six weeks; during which
the Frenth got the means send supplyes unto Cazal (against which, its said those 7000 were
designed) there by to make vain the brags given out by the Spaniards in this Place, to drive the
French out of Italie, before their Disorders be at any end.
From Rome, April 5.
The Report of computing the differences in France, hath so abated the courage of the
Spaniards that, in stead of the great Designes which they grounded on tho'e Commotions,
they have noting now to think of, but how they may maintained themselves. This weeks
le Situr Losigna, a Resident of Genua, had his first Audience of the Pope; where the Senator
Casnedi of Milan was also admitted; who is appointed to solicite for a Cardinals Hat, in
the behalf of the Duke of Cardona his Son, to th' exclusion of the Count d'Ognate, the Viceroy
of Naples, who uses his utmost endevours to get one for himself. For, it is believed, that
there will very speedily be a Promotion in favour of the two Crowns, upon the vacancie of a
fourth Place in the sacred Colledge, by the decease of Cardinal Spinola, Archbishop of sevilla)
The slaughter of the B of castro so affrighted B. of penna in Abruzza (which belong also
to the D. of Parma) that upon the apprehension of the like entertainment, by reason of some
Difference about Jurisdiction, lately saln out between the said Duke and the People, he is fled
hether for shelter. That Duke had thrust 4 Companies of Dragons into the Town of Castro
before the commitment of that most villanous Action; for the discovery where of his Highness
hath dispatch comissioner to find out the Authors; where in his Holiness also takes very much
pains, and care; the Sieur Vitrice, Governor of this Town, having promised 3000 Crowns
to him that shall bring him knowledge of it within a moneth; and given power to re establish
a Captain of Banditi, and two of his Companions; with order to all persons Ecclesiastical,
Reguler, and Seculer, who shall have the least light, or notice of this Offence, upon pain of
their lives, to come and acquaint the said Governor with all, within the time aforesaid.
From the same, April 13.
The Minister of Spain had no sooner Notice of the composing of our Differences in
France, but they dispatched an Expresse unto Naples, and another to Sicilia, to hasten the preparation
of the Ships which they have designed for Piombine, and Portelon gone, upon an opinion,
that they cannot be relieved soon enough. But we are informed, that there have entred
in to the Latter of these two five great Men of War, loaden with souldiers to put into it, in
lieu of part of the latter Garrison, corrupted by the Spaniards, some moneths agoe, and to
be put into execution by D'Ivan d'Aufiria, as soon as hee had presented himself before it
with his Fleet; for the furnishing whereof they have sent him 100000 Crowns in a Galley,
which is gone to finde him out at Massina. They had also, about the same time, corrupted an
Officer of the Garrison of Piembine, by the promise of 20000 Pistols, and the Government
of a Town within the Kingdom of Naples, so as he would deliver unto them the Place: And
the more to further their Enterprize, they are very earnest with the Great Duke of Tuscany
to furnish them with Souldiers, and Galleys: But his Higneffe, in stead of listning thereto
hath caused three Galleys to be prepared, and 2000 foot levied, for the defense, and assurance
of his Sea-coast. The Marquis of Fontenay Mareüil, Embassador of France, had taken his
leave of the Sacred Golledge, with a purpose to have returned home: but upon a new Order
from the French Court, he continues in that Function; and upon the fist of this Instant was
admitted unto an extraordinary Audience with his Holiness; who having, the day before, sald
Masse in S. Pauls Chappell, caused himself to be carried from thence unto St. Peters Lodge,
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