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The moderate intelligencer, Number 228, 26th July-2nd August 1649 E.566[23]

Numb. 228.
Moderate Intelligencer.
Impartially communicating Martiall
Affairs to the KINGDOM of
From Thursday, July 26. to Thursday, August 2. 1649.
Chester, July 25.
THe Windes still frown upon us, or at least our advance to Ireland,
men being shipt, both horse and foot, and cannot passe; and
if we had no other from that crosse Element it were well, but
[unr] its violence keeps us from going, so with contrary speed
brings us illnews thence, and particularly the losse of Duadelka,
a strong Town to the North of Tredagh wherein was
an excellent Magaxine, better then Ormond had any, this loss
besides the Town is not all, we being deprived also of the conveniencie
of a good Harbour: There's no mention of any
great fight, the Souldiers not much for warder to defend then were those in Ceruth sergus,
insomuch that it may rather be called a declaring for Ormond, then a taking. Col. Monk
whose spirit suited not with the Souldier, is come hither, and well he escapt so, and that
he was not served by his Souldiers as Action was, for they in all parts, for the generall,
are against the Parliament, and for Ormonds designee, except in Dublin.
The 26 of July.
The Parl. had in consideration a Bill reported to them from the Committee for Religion,
which was recommitted, and some more Members added to the said Committee.
An estimate of the charge which the Armies in England and Ireland, in field and Garrisons
will cost, was presented, thereupon it was voted that the [unr] of 90000 li. a moneth
be continued for three moneths, after the six moneths, and in the same manner as the
last three moneths of the six. The Committee of the Army ordered again to confer with
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