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The moderate intelligencer, Number 229, 2nd-9th August 1649 E.568[17]

respective Countries, Cities and places, for which by the said Acts or Orders they are
appointed; and to exercise all and every the powers and authorities by the said act given,
limited and appointed, to all intents and purposes, as if the said Act had continued
for nine moneths, from the said seventh of Aprill, to the 29 of Decemb. following: and
be it farther Enacted by the authority aforesaid, that if the way of assessing by a pound
rate, prescribed in the former Act, shall prove any way obstructive to the bringing in of
this 3 moneths assesments, according to the proportions set down in the Act of the 7 of
Aprill for the last 3 moneths thereof, That then the respective Commissioners in any of
the said counties mentioned in the said Act, where such obstruction shall be found in
any Divisions, Towns, Hundreds, or other places in any of the counties mentioned in
the said act, may, and are hereby authorized to proceed according to the ancient and
usuall wayes there held in Rates, for the more effectuall bringing in of this said three
moneths assesment.
An Act giving power to the committee of Indempnity to transmit the Examination of all
such Articles or Informations as shall be exhibited to them, against any Malignant
or delinquent Magistrates, or other ill affected Officers, or Justices of
Peace in the severall counties
BE it enacted and ordained, and it is enacted and ordained by authority of this present
Parliament, that the Committee of Parl. for Indempnity, or any five or more
of them, have power, and are hereby authorized to transmit to any two or more
Justices of the peace, in the respective Counties, Cities, or Corporations of England and
Wales, all or any such articles or informations as shall be exhibited to them against any
Malignant or Delinquent Magistrate, or other Officer or Officers within the said County,
or within any Borough or Town corporate therein, according to an Ordinance of
Parl. in that behalfe made, beating date the 4 day of Octob. 1649, which two or more
Justices of the peace are hereby enpowred, and required to send for such witness or
witnesses as shall be desired, as well against, as on the behalfe of such Delinquents or ill
affected Officers, and them upon Oath to examine, concerning the truth of all or any
of the said Articles; which Oath, the said two or more Justices of peace are hereby likewise
authorized to administer, and to return the same, together with the said articles
or informations, to the said committee of Idempnity sealed up, and also if any person
or persons shall hereafter be sued, indicted or molested, for or concerning any act or
thing done by him by authority, or for the service of the Parl. or enduring his or their
being in Arms for the Parl. contrary to severall Ordinances in that behalfe; that in
such case upon complaint made, and stating the case by petition to any two or more
Justices, the said Justices, or any two or more of them, shall have power, and are hereby
authorized and required to send for such Witnesses (as are desired) as well against, as
on the behalfe of the person and persons complained of, and them upon Oath to examine
(which Oath the said Justices, or any two or more of them, are authorized
likewise to administer) and in case they cannot compose the said difference, then to return
the said severall and respective depositions so taken, and Petition (sealed up) to
the said committee of Indempnity, who are authorized and required to proceed to give
judgement, and make farther proceeding upon the same, and upon the Depositions concerning
ill-affected Officers as aforesaid, according to the respective powers given them
by this or any other Ordinance of Parliament for that purpose.
Dantzick, July 12.
The Polonian King being come to Lublin, hath had Randezvous there, to whom is
going Gen. Hubald with the new levied Prussian Forces: the Camp is to be laid at Sustan,
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