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Great Britaines painefull messenger, I, 9th-16th August 1649 E.569[18]

NUMB. 1.
Great BRITAINES Paine-Full
Af-Ford-ing true notice of all Affaires in England, Wales,
Scotland, Ireland, and other Forreigne Parts, with the most
Materiall Passages of the Parliament, Councell of State
and Army, to this whole Nation.
From Thursday, Aug. 9. 1649. to Thursday the 16. of the same.
LIberty and freedome are the most inestimable
jewels, and chiefe ornaments, of a flourishing
Republique: Tyrannie and oppression
the alone badges of an illegitimate
conquest. That State being ever most
happy and secure where the former is
practised, the peoples hearts, hands, and purses, continuing
alwayes open for its advancement and preservation: The
latter onely exhausts a needy people, whence flow discontents,
murmurings, tumults, and civill discords; the most
absolute bane of all temporall selicitie. Therefore, truely,
blessed is that man (in publique trust) who so seekes the
common good of his Countrey, and continues so unbyast
to himselfe, that he waves his owne Interest, and rejects all
Interjections in his way; Cheerfully running that race, and
pressing towards that marke, which is set before him.
For like pure gold, Integrity oft [unr]de,
Rests still the same, but sarre more puriside.
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