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Great Britaines painefull messenger, I, 9th-16th August 1649 E.569[18]

without any Passe at all, and it may be list againe in London,
never intending for Ireland. The Cavaliers though
they Act not yet, have divers Meetings, and affirme that our
Souldiers never came neere Dublin, and that that place is
lost, but I am confident better things. So with my kinde
respect, &c.
Yours to Command,
F. K.
From Exeter Letters informe that the Judges were lately
Entertained very respectfully at Tiverton by Collonell
Ware and others, as also that Excellent Charge given by
Judge Wilde, which caused divers Cavalieres to goe away
Convinced. The Magistrates of that City are ill resented
by the Citizens.
Intelligence from Dartmoth this Day came that an Eminent
Presbyter did the last Fast Day (but one) in Newton
Kirke preach up a Kingly Government, shewing the Excellency
thereof, and how destructive the Government at
present would be: These men (faith the Letter) thirst after
bloud, and will stirre up the People against the present Authority
so long, that 'tis feared it will in conclusion tend to
dangerous Consequence, yet some knowing men begin to
to see what they aime at, and thinke they will become more
loathsome to the knowing People, than ever the Bishops
were unto Puritanes (so called) and that these men will still
be preparing Warre against all those that doe not put into
their mouthes, they receiving encouragement from their
deare Brethren in Scotland and London.
Saturday, Aug. 11.
Albeit many persons have already set forth according to
their severall Intelligences, the late glorious and remarkable
victory in Ireland, yet because I have a more ample and particular
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