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Great Britaines painefull messenger, I, 9th-16th August 1649 E.569[18]

Councell of State from the Prison of New-gate; and notwithstanding
the Keeper that attended him, and the lock of the chamber door
where he was brought, neatly made a Spring away.
Tuesday 14. Aug.
A Letter from Col. Jones relating the full manner of the late engagement
between his and Ormonds Party was this day read in
the House; Captaine Otway which brought the Newes from Dublin
Ordered 200 l. of which the Councell of State is to pay 100 l.
presently, the other 100 l. to be paid forth with by the Committee of
the Revenue. The House Ordered Col. Jones 1000 l. per annum to
him and his heires for ever.
Thanksgiving Day appointed Wednesday come fortnight, 29 instant,
Mr. Greenhill and Mr. Cooper to preach before the Parliament,
Mr. Whitacre and Mr. Scot to draw up a Declaration of the grounds
and reasons of the Thanksgiving.
Ordered, that Mr. Cawton the Minister in the Gate-house be forthwith
discharged of his Imprisonment.
Ordered it be referred to a Committe to examine the Truth of a
debt touching Mr. Arthington pretended to bee due to him from
Mr. Hen. Jermin, and the right of the estate of Master Jermin, and
to bring an Act for his satisfaction out of that estate If they find cause
this day sevenight.
Complaint made of some lines in the Scottish Declaration which
gave offence, Ordered, it bee referred to the Committee of Complaints
to examine this businesse, and to send for the Printer of the
said Book at London; and likewise for the Author of the Booke intituled
the Moderate, and the Licencer of it, to examine the businesse
complained of touching him, and if they finde cause to commit them,
or either of them.
This day we received notice that one of the Parliaments shipping
seized on a Priggat of Ormonds, which was carrying Letters to
the Prince, the Letters were throwne over-board, but four Peece of
Ordnance was taken in her, and 60 men.
Wednesday Aug. 15.
This Day the House past an Act for confirming two thousand
pound per annum to the Lord President Bradshaw his Heires and Assignes
for ever.
Also an Act past for setling 1000 l. per annum upon Col. Henr.
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