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Mercurius militaris or Times only, Number 1, 22nd-29th May 1649 E.556[22]

you so grunt and grunt after, namely to be free in
common, the undoubted immunity of such Shee-Saints; for
tis well known that the holy Church is the catholick Church;
now if that which is holy be catholick, and that which is catholick
is common; it is without contradiction, that the common
woman is the only holy woman; here is logick to line,
you cause my pretty Nut-crackers; you may doe well to fortifie
your husbands night-caps, with some facings of this Divinity,
if it cannot mint them into conrage, I thinke you
may lawfully new model the cowards, and mould them into
Cuckolds; Browantlers being better armour of proose for a
Citizen, then an helmet; I say, bestir your selves, least the rest
of the Cedars left of your new created parity become Tymberwood
for Tiburne.
But the pretty mumping Mawkins have no maw to it, and
'tis good smock policy, being better sometimes to sit downe
with a little losse, then endanger the who'e stock upon an un-certaine
throw. The Boy bangs at Burford, & nere Rutland (Where
Anakim Thompson crept into a faggot stick to hide his head, till
desperation forced him out unto too honourable a death)
turn d (at the very report of the blowes) all the blood of the
brethren into butter milk, and quite quaild the sack possers of
the Sisters; yea, Jack himselfe hath ever since laine closse as a
Dormouse, so that all they dare doe, is but to wisper treason.
And is it passible Name-sake, what! all amort thy noddle,
(that immortall Morter peece of policy, and Magna Charta, of
law and freedome) hanging before the time circumplexed like a
Bul rush, a malum omey Justure you John, hold up thy head man
there is money bid for it; shall one pusse of winde earthquake
thy hewick spirit? Wilt thou be frighted at the fight of a sword
who hast made the lost yest Pines and Pillers in Brittanine tremble
at thy Tunder? Indeed I cannot much blame thee for it,
nor know I well as yet whether to be angry at thee or sorry for
thee, who hast bid so much, and offered so faire for a Kingdome,
and at last to be put besides thy bargaine; this it is John
to be catching at Septers, and wresting authority out of the
hands of the true owners; but prethee tell me Jack, thou that
hast the guts of the law stiched up in the inside of thy pericranian,
which thou suck'd with a quill out of the fundamentals of
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